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Hiya just started using lithians nature of the beast mod and my char is only a lvl 25 vamp, for some reason the guards and people wont talk to me and attack. I was wondering if theres a way to disable this reaction, so i can walk around and buy stuff without having a arm cut off. Its really annoying but i like being a vampire. Is it a script i can remove? Or something i can change so they dont notice me as a vampire? If anyone can help me i would most appreciate it
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It's not mod related, but rather one of the effects of being a vampire:


Your appearance will change significantly, and will remain so until you are cured. Your character will age by about twenty years, acquiring a wrinkled and pale complexion. If your character has an unusual skin color, this may be changed radically. Others will notice and comment on your appearance if you allow yourself to go beyond 25% vampirism. For humanoids, your eyes will become a pale red color. You may also lose your eyebrows and facial hair. When you are a full vampire, people may refuse to speak to you, citing your obvious vampirism. This can be countered by raising the NPC's disposition to at least 100, for example using Vampiric Seduction.

You can get NPCs to act normal by drinking some blood and lowering your vampirism level to 25%.

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Im not asking about that.... As i said my character is only *VAMPIRISM LVL 25* im asking if i can remove the reaction off the npcs completely. as the only way i can stop this from happening to my character is to remove the mod but i want to use it. Im asking if anyone can help me make my own mod to remove the vampire reaction from the npcs in general? Edited by finestanonymous
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Sounds like some kind of bug to me.


The reactions are based upon a global variable called PCVampire. From what I remember Nature of the Beast doesn't make many complex changes to the system, so you could probably just set PCVampire back to 1 manually. To do this, go into the console by pressing ` (next to number 1) then type the following


Set PCVampire to 1


All going well, that should make people a little more sociable towards your character. ;)

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Aw wow thanks dude i shall try that. :-) arent you the one thats making the new terran vampires? Cant wait for that mod to come out, would it be compatible with scantis vampire race disabler or lithians mod? If you need any help im pretty good at certain things...





Ok well it didnt work some of them still attack me and i lost most of my powers and cant get them back.... cant i just remove the reaction part of the global variable in the CS?

its really annoying and i would like to do away with it in my game, or is there any mod that tweaks the variable to remove that part of it?


its really annoying me i just want it gone :-(

Edited by finestanonymous
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According to the description for the Lithians Nature Of The Beast mod, the Conceal Nature power becomes available at 100% vampirism. Presumably the mod author wanted vampires to be universally reviled and only the most powerful ones can control their appearance.


And sorry about before, I didn't realise that by level 25 vampire you meant 25% vampirism.

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If I remember correctly, the process is reversible, so maybe you can conceal nature at 25% if you do that.


And LNB should be compatible, along with Scantis race disabler - in fact I would recommend the race disabler.

If you want to help, pm me ;)

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I took a look through the mods scripts, and I can't figure out why your powers would have disappeared. Are you sure that you set PCVampire to 1?

And I can confirm Lanceor's statement - conceal nature only becomes available at PCVampire stage 4 - 100% vampirism


When you say level up, do you mean vampirism? As in move from 25% to 50%?


I only have 2 possible solutions, which is to feed on someone. Hopefully that will reset something for you. Also, setting PCVampire to 0, waiting for about 30 seconds, then setting it to 1 may help. If not, then you can fix all your problems by loading an earlier save.



I feel kind of bad for wrecking that save... :wallbash:

Edited by WarRatsG
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I took a look through the mods scripts, and I can't figure out why your powers would have disappeared. Are you sure that you set PCVampire to 1?

And I can confirm Lanceor's statement - conceal nature only becomes available at PCVampire stage 4 - 100% vampirism


When you say level up, do you mean vampirism? As in move from 25% to 50%?


I only have 2 possible solutions, which is to feed on someone. Hopefully that will reset something for you. Also, setting PCVampire to 0, waiting for about 30 seconds, then setting it to 1 may help. If not, then you can fix all your problems by loading an earlier save.



I feel kind of bad for wrecking that save... :wallbash:

Thats fine i made the save for testing purposes anyway so it hasnt messed with anything , and yeah i did set pcvampire to 1... its such a shame this mod is brilliant but its so god damn buggy, i will those two things but i also might try setting the pcvampire to 4 also... and yes i did mean lvling up in vampirism i cant seem to get past 50 mark i get no more dreams



edit: ok this hasnt worked either when i set it to pcvampire 4 it somehow gave me 125 vampirism with two vampirism effects 1 vampirism 100 the other vampirism 25, so i decided to try the other things which didnt work either... and then tried to remove vampirism altogether then get it back but that didnt work either and conceal nature doesnt want to work properly for me, is there anyway to just remove the reactions from the script ??? would be so much simpler then i wouldnt have to deal with it again ......

Edited by finestanonymous
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