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TesIV Cleaning & OBMM Question

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Hello! I am new to the world of cleaning mods :P I have a simple question that I've not been able to find the answer to anywhere (At least I hope its simple). If I clean a mod that I have installed via OBMM with TESIV how can I then export the newly cleaned verion into a new Omod?
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Once you run OBMM to install an OMOD the esp is found in your Oblivion\Data folder, same as a mod installed manually. That OMOD doesn't require anything further unless you deactivate the OMOD and then reactivate it. Doing so would result in the old uncleaned esp replacing the cleaned one (which if I understand correctly is what you're trying to avoid).


You have two options. One, you could backup the cleaned esp to a different folder, deactivate the OMOD, reactivate the OMOD (resulting in the uncleaned esp in Oblivion\Data) and then replace the uncleaned esp with the cleaned one you backed up.


Option two is using OBMM you extract the original OMOD to a folder, replace the extracted esp with your cleaned version from your Oblivion/Data folder and create a new OMOD that incorporates your cleaned esp. Then replace the OMOD file that OBMM is using with the new one. Next time you deactivate/reactivate it will use your new cleaned esp.


Option two is the elegant solution, but takes a bit more work. Option one will work, but is a quick and dirty fix that would need to be repeated any time you went through an deactivate/reactivate cycle. Note, if you never deactivate and reactivate the original OMOD that currently is installed in OBMM you don't need to do anything.

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Once you run OBMM to install an OMOD the esp is found in your Oblivion\Data folder, same as a mod installed manually. That OMOD doesn't require anything further unless you deactivate the OMOD and then reactivate it. Doing so would result in the old uncleaned esp replacing the cleaned one (which if I understand correctly is what you're trying to avoid).


You have two options. One, you could backup the cleaned esp to a different folder, deactivate the OMOD, reactivate the OMOD (resulting in the uncleaned esp in Oblivion\Data) and then replace the uncleaned esp with the cleaned one you backed up.


Option two is using OBMM you extract the original OMOD to a folder, replace the extracted esp with your cleaned version from your Oblivion/Data folder and create a new OMOD that incorporates your cleaned esp. Then replace the OMOD file that OBMM is using with the new one. Next time you deactivate/reactivate it will use your new cleaned esp.


Option two is the elegant solution, but takes a bit more work. Option one will work, but is a quick and dirty fix that would need to be repeated any time you went through an deactivate/reactivate cycle. Note, if you never deactivate and reactivate the original OMOD that currently is installed in OBMM you don't need to do anything.



Okay, option 2 it is, thank you Striker! :thumbsup:

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