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Skin differences


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So ive heard of cbbe unp and 7 based,

But there are a few skin textures im unfamiliar with. I keep seeing tbbp adac(?) (i think its called adac but cant remember) bbp and i dont know what they are. Can someone elaborate and link mod page if possible? Also, if there are other skin textures out there can you give details? Much appreciated.

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Nothing you have listed is a skin texture. CBBE, UNP and 7B/SevenBase are female body mods that contain meshes and textures, and replace the body of all adult female characters in the game.


ADEC = a female body mod. Like 7B, has very over-the-top proportions.

BBP = 'Breast and Butt Physics'. Body 'physics'/animations. Replaced by TBBP.

TBBP = 'Tender Breast and Butt Physics'. Body 'physics'/animations. Replaced by HDT PE.

HDT PE = 'HDT Physics Extension'. Configurable SKSE plugin that simulates body physics.

SKSE = 'Skyrim Script Extender'.


For others, you can check the Common Acronyms NexusMods wiki page.

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