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Question about item working as perk in pip-boy


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I thought that could be it, Mktavish, but I have an apparel item that modifies run speed, so I tested that with hotkeys and it works.


RegiOween, when I asked you earlier, you said you were getting the message when you equipped it via hotkey, but the item's effects simply weren't working. Do you have the perk when the item is equipped via hotkey or does that not happen, either?

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Tested with this script and you don't even need the mobility check; you just start flying as soon as you press the hotkey. If it doesn't save because you don't have NVSE in your GECK, just comment out all the Print lines and UnequipMe.

scn RunSpeedyScript

Begin OnEquip
	If Player.HasPerk RunNormalPerk
		Player.RemovePerk RunNormalPerk
		Print "RunNormalPerk removed."
	If Player.HasPerk RunSlowlyPerk
		Player.RemovePerk RunSlowlyPerk
		Print "RunSlowlyPerk removed."
	If Player.HasPerk RunSpeedyPerk == 0
		Player.AddPerk RunSpeedyPerk
		Print "RunSpeedyPerk added."
	Print "OnEquip block was run."

Edit: I think the mobility check wasn't required for me because of the UnequipMe line, so if it doesn't work for you the way it did for me because you don't have NVSE, then you can just crouch and stand up after equipping the item.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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Hello guys!

I have some good news!
I'm sorry for the delay in my feedback, but I was too busy hitting my head against the wall, trying to find a solution to my weird problem, but fortunately, I found one.

Mktavish was absolutely right about GECK not loading NVSE without the parameter "-editor" in the NVSE shortcut. The problem is that I was loading GECK using the standard Mod Organizer interface, so I had to create another entry with the proper parameter and it worked perfectly.

EPDGaffney provided a very clean and efficient script to guide me in the right direction, and I'm actually using it. So much better than my modification of another original script.

However, the vanilla hotkeys still aren't working, and my assumption is that they use Player.EquipItem, that doesn't trigger OnEquip block on scripts, as stated by Mktavish in his previous post.

The solution I found was to install the awesome mod "Expanded Hotkeys" (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37043) which permits to redirect the vanilla hotkeys to any desired key on the keyboard.
Again, my assumption is that this mod uses Player.EquipItem2, that actually trigger OnEquip block on scripts.

I can't thank you enough for helping me with so much attention and knowledge. The world needs more people like you! :thumbsup:

Many thanks guys, and have a nice life!

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What's this about have I nice life ? Does this mean you're stepping off the edge ?


Ha ha ... the edge of modding :ninja: ? :geek: / :ohmy:


So you done with this game then ? Ya moving on ? meh ,,, I think ya end up ^uP^ing that post count :whistling:

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What's this about have I nice life ? Does this mean you're stepping off the edge ?


Ha ha ... the edge of modding :ninja: ? :geek: / :ohmy:


So you done with this game then ? Ya moving on ? meh ,,, I think ya end up ^uP^ing that post count :whistling:


Hello Mktavish!


Some people use to say "Have a nice day", or "Have a nice week", and I go further, and say "Have a nice life"... :laugh:


About modding, I'm a totally newbie on this territory, but with guys like you and EPDGaffney on the board, I feel a lot more comfortable to keep learning...


Once again, thanks for your invaluable help! :thumbsup:


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