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well since the last char thread got locked thanks 2 a couple of flamers, i decided 2 make a new one. post ur char info here :P and no flaming or spamming! ;)
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Thanks Switch ;)


Right, my two characters are:


Main character: Syn-Feyn


Level 40 Nord, classed as a Pit Lord a name that you'll find in the Elder Scroll's Nordic history books as a title that is given to Nords who were proficient (ie:survive :lol: ) the arena combat that they are so fond of.


My new character: Silven


Level 1 Wood-Elf, your common or garden thief, I created him last night. Not much else to him really, except that I'm trying to keep him as a pure thief and try to keep the NPC death toll down, unless I otherwise have to.

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I play as a level 37 Nord female, named Tirinda. She is a warrior with a bit of magic. Her class is custom, with major skills in Blunt Weapon, Medium Armor, Block, Armorer, and Illusion. Minor skills include Athletics, Acrobatics, Enchant, and Long Blade. Currently she is a wizard in the Mage Guild, Protector in the Fighter's Guild, and a Bandit in the Thieve's Guild.


Until I beat the game that's the only character.

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My character is Karyn, a Dark Elf with the custom class of "Invoker".


I'm about half way through Tribunal, and I've become Hortator and united the Ashlander Tribes. After getting all my major and minor skills up to 100 with the help of the master trainers, I'm level 74 with 100 in all my stats as well.


Major Skills: Destruction, Light Armor, Short Blade, Restoration, Mysticism


Minor Skills: Security, Sneak, Enchant, Armorer, Acrobatics


I'm currently wearing Daedric gauntlets, the Mask of Clavicus Vile, with the rest in Ebony armor and I'm also wearing the robe of the Hortator. My favourite weapon is the BiPolar Blade.


I've played Morrowind through about 3 times now, my other character I liked was a custom class as well with more thief and combat oriented skills. :ph34r: I got to about level 66 without using the master trainers and was wielding Trueflame and wearing Ebony Mail, Wraith Guard, Her Hands Left Gauntlet (+5 str), and daedric greaves and boots. :P

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Hi all, My characters are :1. Grimgor


An Orc at lvl 24, as my first char. I picked the Barbarian class, there is not motch to say about this char., because I stopped playing with him because ......... well euhm the gaurds always try to kill him.


He's good in: Heavy armor, Axe, Block, hand-to-hand and armorer.


Just an orc


2. Sophia


A WoodElf at lvl 9, she's a WayWatcher (Their is a story after this, and it's long to so if you ever want to hear it in full just ask).

Her Max. skills are:Marksman, Spear, Alchemy, Securety and Sneak

her Min. skills are :Long Blade, Block, Athletics, Acrobats, Light armor



Now if I play Morrowind it's with the WoodElf. And because of the "reputation" of Grimgor I'm behaving myself (for now). She would be a perfect thief with her skillpoints in sneak and security but I have enough money and the people of Morrowind like her and I want to keep it that way (again for now)




WoodElf Rule!!!, :ph34r: Paddo :ph34r:

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If I were to start a new character it'd probably be a Breton Mage born under the sign of apprentice. With this combination I think you can start the game off with 180 magicka at first level :P


Or I'd like to try a Khajiit or an Argonian. I hadn't used them before purely because you can't wear boots and that totally sucks, but theres a plugin that lets them wear boots now.


Paddo: Yeah guards piss me off, you do one wrong thing and they don't leave you alone. I mean, Fargoth was just asking for it. I just kept killing them until my bounty was over 500 000 gold then I did a thieves guild job that got rid of it all.. haha its just funny beating the crap out of as many guards as possible I guess.

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My character/s,

Hiatu Impalner, Imperial male. Custom class of Black Knight (useing steath to sneak in for the first hit while wearing mostly heavy armor then useing long blade. Has a good grip on magic around 80-60 in all magic catagorys. Sneak and security of 90 or so. Athletics and acrobatics of 100. All weapon classes 80 or more. Blunt and Long Blade 100. Ect. He is my older character that I have beaten the Main quest in Morrowind with along with Tribunial and Bloodmoon...also every side quest I'v found...seeing as he is almost on day 300 or so thats added up to quite a bit of playing seeing as I don't really rest much in-game anymore. Oh yes and he is level 81.


My other character is more of an experiment, I'v been putting a point in Luck since the first level-up and havn't stopped, she is at level 39 right now and doing very nicely. Havn't really commited the stats to memory though, but Luck would be an 88. Also the character is a Nord female.

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I am playing with a level 28 Redguard named Bob at the moment. I just couldn't think of any cool names for this time around. I have used Kjell, Ragnarok, Loki, Fenrir, and a host of others so I went simple this time. Bob's major skills are light armor, long blade, security, athletics, and block. His minor skills are sneak, marksman, mercantile, speechcraft, and acrobatics. He is custom class called Marauder, because I see little point in disguising the characters true ambitions. He is a Wet Ear in the Thieves Guild (at level 28 you say?!) because Bob spends the vast majority of his time doing exactly what his class implies... pillaging. I am shooting for level 35 and then I will straighten out and begin to play the quests again, but I'm too much fun right now to stop. :D
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Lvl 16 Female Dark Elf

Sign of the Antroch


Custom Class - Death Knight


Mainly usses two handed swords and heavy armor but is also good with most types of magic.


Currently im just freelancing it looting to local caves of evil. and stealing from any legion fort i come across :ph34r:



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Level 43 Nord - Crusader class (pre-made)

Currently Archmaster of Great House Redoran, Arch-Mage of the Mage's Guild, Guild Master of the Fighter's Guild, Master Thief of the Thieve's Guild, and a Knight Protector in the Imperial Legion (for now). Has blunt weapon, long blade, heavy armor, destruction, and acrobatics all at 100. Others are getting there. Currently using a daedric war axe, saint's shield, lord's mail, mask of clavicus vile, and the rest ebony. He's my first (and only) character, but I've been having a lot of fun with him, and will probably run him through the expansions when I get them.

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