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Good Daedra

Grim Reaper (RJM)

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in my sincere opinion, something should be done about the daedra, especially the 'footmen' of daedra armies, the dremora, the daedroth, the winged twighlights and the golden saints, my proposition is to make 'good' vesions of all of these and make a big island where they all fight one another, what do others reckon, good idea, bad idea


any feedback email me: [email protected]


from Aus, The Grim Reaper :nazgul:

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i dont really know wot you mean but i wouldn't go as far as saying that these deadra are badly designed but i would enjoy a redesign a few of them, maybe not so much a complete overhaul, but variations on them to stop them all being the same ones over and over again when you raid deadric ruins. Plonking them on an island to fight somwhere dosn't sound that appealing to me though :lol:
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