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mod list for the working man.


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Hello. First time poster.


I loves me some skyrim and have been very interested in the modding scene. As a consumer not contributor.


I get up at 5 in the morning to get to work so I can leave as early as possible to pickup my daughter from day care. Once she is asleep I have to start cooking for when the wife comes home. Then the night shift starts with looking after the little one when she does not want to sleep. Needless to say free time comes in small doses and far between.


Given this I simply do not have the free time to look up skyrim mods and install/load orders.


I have managed to find a list of good looking environment mods and I finally got time to put in a ENB. So the game looks quite pretty. But what I would really like is a list of mods that would make every female in the game hot and wearing the most sexy thing possible with great animations. Really max out the sexy.


I am a guy. I want to relax. I apologise for nothing!


Most mods will improve aspects of the females. With some mods not playing well with others. It would take a lot of time to find the best combination.


Does anyone know of where I can find a extensive list of mods with install instructions to make this happen? One would think that this would be a easy thing to find. Oddly not.


Well that is my break done. Time to get 30 minuets of sleep before the crying starts.




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there are actually mod lists like this

in fact , I even remember following a mod list like that a year or so ago (but I've since reset my browsers , so I don't have any link to provide)

a simple google search should put you in the right direction though


do note that if you want things to go to a more sexual direction , you might have to visit LoversLab (it's a site that hosts the more hardcore mods for games like Skyrim , though other games as well)


but the basics of what you need to do is choose a body mod (like CBBE , UNP or another) , and find a clothing and armor replacer that is compatible with the body mod you've chosen , that is also skimpy (and there are plenty of them , so you have quite a lot to choose from) . it would work better if you also get a face replacer for female NPCs (and there are several of these , some that replace only some of the NPCs while others change the entire set of females in the game , and there are different styles that people go with , like more anime or more realistic etc)


if you already know some of the mods you wish to use , you can link them here so that people would be able to recommend complementary mods for you to use

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unp spice gear has an hdt version and a non hdt version, they both look the same minus bouncing ta*ta's . Unp minidress collection for the clothes. just grabbing a female texture replacer such as SG Textures or Fair Skin will beautify all females. you have The Ordinary Women which improves countless females. All 3 Bijin Mods are considered the Gold standard for beautiful females.

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