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A few mod requests


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I have a few mod requests for people to do if they want.


1. A black/red retexture of the vermina robes to mach THIS mod.


2. A summonable giant chicken that fights and wears the basic iron helmet, more of a joke mod.


3. A standalone version of THIS mod. The creator was banned so he can't do it.

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Chickens are more like statics with animations than like actors. (More especially than like NPC followers.) So I am not sure what all would be required. The worst case scenario is that you would need the 3-D animator to make a new creature that looks like a chicken. A less bad scenario would that you would need a 3-D animator to give the chicken some new animations such as attack animations. The AI is just weird. It is like they ignore AI packages that you give them and do a hardcoded wander package.
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