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Skyrim DLC'S what do you wan't to see?


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With the recent announcement of skyrims first DLC Dawnguard Elderscrolls fans are naturally exited, and with good reason.

Bethesda rarely disappoint when it comes to their downloadable content. So the question at hand is what do you expect and what would you like to see?




Personally I suspect something to do with vampires from Dawnguard i mean "Dawnguard" just sounds like the name of a vampire hunting clan or something right? Which would be pretty decent, i like immersive storylines like that and it would make playing a vampire much more immersive or perhaps you could go the other way and become a hunter yourself. though its all speculation on my part and completely open to interpretation.


There are also a few gates leading out of Skyrim blocked off by invisible walls, is this by chance a pre-planned decision by the developers at Bethesda, it may suggest that in latter DLC'S we will be leaving Skyrim. Perhaps to return to Morrowind or cyrodiil or maybe even a province we have yet to explore like Blackmarsh the home of our scaley reptilian friends the Argonains. I like this idea, id be interested to see what Morrowind is like now 200 years latter.

Edited by stationstu
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Yay, another one of those threads!


I wouldn't mind having something original, like they did with the Shivering Isles. I think lore regions should be kept for official releases, not DLC. They should create something like an evil invasion force appearing from beneath the earth, or another plane, etc.

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Yay, another one of those threads!


I wouldn't mind having something original, like they did with the Shivering Isles. I think lore regions should be kept for official releases, not DLC. They should create something like an evil invasion force appearing from beneath the earth, or another plane, etc.

You mean something that's pretty much exactly the same as the Oblivion Crisis? No thanks.

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I know this wont be what we get, but I want to see something capable of scaring the player. I know TES has always had its POTENTIALLY scary moments, but thats mostly just when sneaking around caves and something makes you jump. However once you've played games like Condemned 1, Silent Hill, Deadspace, Amnesia, Siren 3 etc, then no other games seem to cut it anymore in terms of scare factor.


I'm not really sure what it would take to make a TES game or DLC actually scary though. Maybe some gruesome, disturbing imagery like you see in Silent Hill 1-4 (I wont go into the details, but theres some...really messed up stuff), or genuinely nightmarish looking enemies. I could imagine some DLC quest where you witness a whole village getting violently massacred by a hoard of undiscovered monsters, and you hear GENUINLY painful screams and sounds of women crying, people begging for mercy (but not in the "humorous" vanilla way). Blood spilt all over the place and its really dark; only a few torches acting as beacons in the total darkness thats descended upon the town as part of a curse, caused by an ancient occult ritual of punishment/sacrifice gone wrong. You enter the town with a gang of around 7 friends, maybe soldiers, blades, criminals, nobodies, ninjas, whatever. Initially you have to follow where the group is headed (unless you want to die, because its safer to stick together), checking out various houses, looking for survivors, but finding only mutilated bodies.


You all try your best to survive against these terrible creatures, but they are masters of the shadows, in a town where there is precious little light. If your not careful, all of your friends will end up dead, and you'll have virtually zero chance of stopping the curse. If you check the shadows, move slowly and stick together, you might just leave the town in one piece. You'll also meet some strange people along the way who have weird idiosyncrasies and behave in unusual ways. These people have something to do with the ritual that started all of this, but now their minds have become warped, and some of the things you will see these people doing will be truly upsetting and obscene. The problem is, you need these people, because they alone hold the secrets to reversing the cancerous evil that has consumed the town, but in the end they will all pay for their part in this affair, nobody can leave without being judged, because the evils you will witness, are caused by the rage and anguish of a spiritual deity who is the controller of both sincere innocence, AND unspeakable evil.


I know a lot of people are probably gonna say "but TES was never supposed to be scary in the first place", but its just my 2 cents, and IMO, some horror elements would REALLY add another level of depth and intensity to the game.

Edited by shuriken88
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As far as a invasion from underground, i could see that with the Falmer. But DagothdagonAlduin has a point in them coming from another plane, thats pretty much the main storyline of Oblivion. But a falmer surface invasion could be cool they need more facetime. They could go more into their history and past involvement with the dwemer and Nords.


Finding out what actually happened to the Dwarves would make an excellent DLC as well, they have never really went into that.

Edited by stationstu
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If it´s it really includes vampire and vampire hunters I hope to be able to choose wich side I want and not being stuck with the hunters even if I´m a vampire.Also hope it´s in someplace else with a very different enviroment from skyrim frozen wasteland.
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I know this wont be what we get, but I want to see something capable of scaring the player. I know TES has always had its POTENTIALLY scary moments, but thats mostly just when sneaking around caves and something makes you jump. However once you've played games like Condemned 1, Silent Hill, Deadspace, Amnesia, Siren 3 etc, then no other games seem to cut it anymore in terms of scare factor.


I'm not really sure what it would take to make a TES game or DLC actually scary though. Maybe some gruesome, disturbing imagery like you see in Silent Hill 1-4 (I wont go into the details, but theres some...really messed up stuff), or genuinely nightmarish looking enemies. I could imagine some DLC quest where you witness a whole village getting violently massacred by a hoard of undiscovered monsters, and you hear GENUINLY painful screams and sounds of women crying, people begging for mercy (but not in the "humorous" vanilla way). Blood spilt all over the place and its really dark; only a few torches acting as beacons in the total darkness thats descended upon the town as part of a curse, caused by an ancient occult ritual of punishment/sacrifice gone wrong. You enter the town with a gang of around 7 friends, maybe soldiers, blades, criminals, nobodies, ninjas, whatever. Initially you have to follow where the group is headed (unless you want to die, because its safer to stick together), checking out various houses, looking for survivors, but finding only mutilated bodies.


You all try your best to survive against these terrible creatures, but they are masters of the shadows, in a town where there is precious little light. If your not careful, all of your friends will end up dead, and you'll have virtually zero chance of stopping the curse. If you check the shadows, move slowly and stick together, you might just leave the town in one piece. You'll also meet some strange people along the way who have weird idiosyncrasies and behave in unusual ways. These people have something to do with the ritual that started all of this, but now their minds have become warped, and some of the things you will see these people doing will be truly upsetting and obscene. The problem is, you need these people, because they alone hold the secrets to reversing the cancerous evil that has consumed the town, but in the end they will all pay for their part in this affair, nobody can leave without being judged, because the evils you will witness, are caused by the rage and anguish of a spiritual deity who is the controller of both sincere innocence, AND unspeakable evil.


I know a lot of people are probably gonna say "but TES was never supposed to be scary in the first place", but its just my 2 cents, and IMO, some horror elements would REALLY add another level of depth and intensity to the game.


This is more like a quest mod for me, tell you what, why not make this quest urself? I mean it sounds just plain awesome.

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Vampires? Meh. Vampires are okay in their place, but what do they have to do with being a dovahkiin? For DLC, I would much rather see something that is really connected to the character being dragonborn. Surely we have some destiny beyond just being the enemy of Alduin. It would be nice if it gave us new interaction with the Graybeards and/or the Blades in the process.


An invasion of Akaviri tiger dragons would be good, since who is better fitted than a dragonborn to deal with dragons? Of course, that might also be connected to vampires if the Tsaesci vampire snakes show up too. Delphine would certainly want to get in on that action, but ... on which side? :)


Alternatively, any DLC should at least be connected to the concerns already established for Skyrim. The growing Falmer threat is an obvious candidate, since the base game made it clear that they are no longer restricted to old Dwemer ruins, but are taking up residence in other locations and staging raids on the surface population. It would be interesting if they could also tie it in to the finding of the Eye of Magnus, which started the whole Nord/Falmer conflict in the first place. It looks like they were setting the stage for a planned future conflict, putting in all kinds of hooks to support such a DLC. There would be opportunity to involve the Companions as the direct heirs of Ysgrammor's original Falmer pogrom, as well as giving the College of Winterhold a chance to get involved.

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