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Seperate BoS fatigues for BodySlider


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Thanks for checking this page out! I had an idea that could help some BoS sentinels; the ones who want to wear BoS fatigues, but with their own customized body shape!

But since the same file is used for all of them (except the regular field scribe one, which has a backpack), it's hard to customize it to your own needs. So I was wondering, could somebody make a patch for BodySlide, so the officer, captain and medic fatigues are 3 different outfits within bodyslide? So, for instance, you could wear medic fatigues, and the rest of the other fatigues stay vanilla, despite that they're the same model, but different textures. I hope I was clear enough!!

Edited by JohnPaulGeorgeRingo
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