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Requiem .. Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch


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Im a noob at mods but want to try requiem..
Im following the instructions to install all that is needed to play the mod..

But when I click on the link for Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch that are needed, nexus says
Not found
The mod you were looking for couldn't be found

I need these mods to run requien, any ideas on what to do.. ?
any help is appreciated


Im following this guide here https://requiem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REQ19/pages/18252027/Installing+Requiem

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Many thanks for the info and link..

I installed the patch but the game wont start..

On the nexus plugins page it shows for the requiem mod

under Requiem Bugsmasher edition.esp




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp - MISSING


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esm - MISSING



I have the mod you linked activated on nexus..

Any ideas ?



Edited by fearfulinsomniac
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well , the guide you've linked suggests either using the Skyrim and Dawnguard patches , or using the Legendary Edition patch that I also linked

this plugin you are trying to use requires the separate patches , but you can't get them

so either there is another version of this plugin that requires the LE patch , or you are just not supposed to use this plugin (I've never really used Requiem , so I'm not exactly sure about this)

try reading the mod's description page , there should be instructions about this (at least I believe there would be)

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no no , of course not

if you look more carefully , you'll see that the tab lists both the files that are required for this mod to run (these are at the top , the ones hosted on the Nexus and off site requirements) , and which files have Requiem as their requirement

so almost all of the mods in this tab require Requiem , not the other way around

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The separate Unofficial Patches are for the original Skyrim plus DLC (USKP, UDGP, UDBP, UHFP). They are no longer supported, but should still be available AFAIK.


The Legendary Edition requires USLEEP, which is a single patch for Skyrim LE. I still use it as I have not updated to SE. It is no longer supported but still available and was pretty complete.


The Special Edition requires USEEP, which is a single patch for Skyrim SE. This is the new one which is still supported by the UP makers.



With all mods, you must use the correct Unofficial Patch for the version of Skyrim you have, and you must use mods and SKSE designed for that version.


You should determine which version of Skyrim you are running and contact the Requiem authors and find out if Requiem is meant for LE or SE. They have been developing it for quite a while, but I don't remember if it was made for Original Skyrim, Original Skyrim + DLC or LE. I did try it once, but they had only completed a few schools of magick.


Some mods will be required by Requiem, Requiem may be required by other mods, while some mods should not be used at the same time as requiem. EG, there are many Alchemy, Crafting, Skill Tree overhauls, but Requiem is almost a complete game replacer, so will be incompatible with many of those sorts of mods as it does its own thing with skills etc.



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