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Simply Uncut - New Vegas Volunteer Modeler Needed


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I do not know if I am supposed to put this here, or on another forum but either way the request stands.


So, I am the creator of Simply Uncut for Fallout 3, and I wish to do the same for Fallout New Vegas. Recently, me and my team of voice actors have stumbled across a rather strange sight. An NCR Ranger who is also a super mutant. We want to restore him properly, and we have learned that he was supposed to have a normal sized ranger hat that would appear tiny on his giant head. We would love to see this idea re-implemented, unfortunately, we do not have a modeler. So, that's what I am asking. If anyone can volunteer to model Ranger Chauncey to have a ranger hat on his head that would appear small, then we would be grateful. :)




The Simply Uncut - New Vegas Team

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