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Feral Windows?


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I don't know if this is the right Forum/Thread whatever to post this in, but whatever.


Way back, I had a crappy old work laptop that barely played Skyrim LE at 720p, 30fps. So what did I decide to do? Mod the heck out of it, of course. I went around the Nexus downloaded what mods I thought looked cool, and played the heck out of my game. Eventually, I added so many mods that despite using LOOT my game would always CTD. I gave up on modding. Fast forward 2 years, and here I am. A spiffy new computer, with a Ryzen 5 1600 and RX 580, compared to my old laptop which had an i7 and I N T E L H D G R A P H I C S. I want to properly mod Skyrim this time, and with SE now out (well, runnable) I can take advantage of those extra cores.


tl;dr I want to mod Skyrim


I've got a basic grasp on modding, and I've decided to follow TUCOGUIDE 3.1 since I've heard it's the most up to date.


The first problem I'm having is that I've installed Steam and what-not in Program Files (x86) which, according to the guide will complicate things. So, I've decided to uninstall steam and reinstall it outside of :C. I know that you'll have to reinstall every single game once you've done it, but I only have about 5 games that I actually care enough about to redownload. Plus, my internet is moderately fast so it'll only take, say, 45 minutes to reinstall everything. The BIG problem is that I've heard if you mod a game in :C Windows might go feral and destroy everything on the drive. I'm wondering if this is true. If it is true, is it random or a matter of time? If it is a matter of time, then how long until it happens? Is it preventable?


Thanks for the help.

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Sounds like an urban legend to me.


I can't vouch for Skyrim, but after 7 years of having Fallout 3 installed at C:Bethesda Softworks, my Windows Vista is still going strong.

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The first problem I'm having is that I've installed Steam and what-not in Program Files (x86) which, according to the guide will complicate things. So, I've decided to uninstall steam and reinstall it outside of :C. I know that you'll have to reinstall every single game once you've done it, but I only have about 5 games that I actually care enough about to redownload. Plus, my internet is moderately fast so it'll only take, say, 45 minutes to reinstall everything.


Before you uninstall Steam, got to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common folder and copy the contents of that folder somewhere else. Then uninstall Steam and reinstall it wherever. After, move the copied common folder to the new install location. It will save you having to redownload all the game files. You might still need to verify the game integrity or whatever it's called, but that will be faster than redownloading all the game files.


The BIG problem is that I've heard if you mod a game in :C Windows might go feral and destroy everything on the drive. I'm wondering if this is true. If it is true, is it random or a matter of time? If it is a matter of time, then how long until it happens? Is it preventable?

Never heard anything like that. It sounds like nonsense. Windows can go a little nuts when dealing with mods in C:\Program Files because of the user account permissions system, but that's about all.

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