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Weird problem...


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Hi there :mellow:


Well, my problem is hard to explain, particularly for someone who doensn't speak english in general >__>

But I'll try.


Everytome I make changes in the options menu of Oblivion, they are reset shortly afterwards, or if load the game.

It doesn't matter which kind of change I make, the difficulty-slider is resetted as well as any changes in the video-submenu.


This IS concernig and sad :(

I have no shadows, reflections, etc. at the moment and if I'm enabling them, the disappear shortly afterwards (exterior, interior, a.s.o.)

First of all I thought there would be some "Oblivion protects your system from blasting due to high videosettings", but my system is powerfull enough...

This "bug" also occurs whith the dif-slider. And I need higher difficulty because I'm using companions! :(


I've never heard of this odd glitch before and didn't find something about it on google (or my english is to bad to find the correct explaination of this problem).



So... I really need help on this one and a.s.a.p. :pinch:

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Do these changes not save in-game? That's almost unheard of. However, if you mean they do not save after closing Oblivion, then there might be a simple solution to this. Check to see if you're using the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch" which sometimes (maybe everytime) causes Oblivion to close with an error that windows picks up. If this happens, try disabling the patch and then going in-game to change settings, and making sure you close the game, see if it saves. After which, you can enable the patch's .esp again.


If you don't have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, try changing the setting in the .ini file which can be found in "/My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/" where you can manually change all the settings in the game via a text editor.

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Well, I actually use the UOP (like everyone I guess), but disabling it didn't help.

My fading-settings still are resetted after some seconds and I've no idea why.


I made some tests, like enabling 8x AA & distant trees (disabled by deffault in there, don't know if this is correct) in the oblivionlauncher, to be correct: When I'm opening this menu again, even then, the changes are reset - these changes aren't carried over to the game, seems like something is broken here :(


I'd like to try the text-editor variant but have no clue what values should be edited in there.

And somehow I doubt this will solve the issue .__.

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