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The stories of War- Shayne's Room

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"This world is in a crisis like no other. DC has been attacked, Russia has been colonized by China, and the Germans have begun a New World Order." The president looked over the crowd, and I sat up in the walls with my squad. We were inside the walls, on a balcony, positioned to look over everyone.


"Everything seems like a dream," Arch said. I agreed. This was all planned, the theories all true.


"WW3 is something we all saw coming in this lifetime. We were prepared, but it was not enough. America will survive this war," the president wasnt using any teleprompter or anything. His name was Araer. A great and historic president. He repaired America.


"For Alah!" gun fire and screams. The president ducked in cover.


"Code Green has shifted, we are on yellow! Get the president to the bunker!" the Secret Service commander shouted. I found the shooter and pulled the trigger, and he fell to the ground.


"Evacuate the site, recon squad, meet us at the bunker!" we heard through the comms. We ran to a stairwell and sprinted down to the basement. The bunker was closed, but we opened it and shut it behind us. The president greeted us.


"Mr. President, sir, we need to get you to the excape route," I said.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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The roars peirced my ears as the dragons cut through our men like butter. I just kept my head down and my sword in one hand, shield in the other. The smoke from the fire rose into the sky, lighting the night sky.


"We must press on! Do not let Solitude fall!" Ulfric shouted. We had recently liberated the city, but it seems the dragons weren't happy about that. I sprinted with everyone else to the walls for cover, ready to get into the city. We had been pushed out by the 18 Ancient dragons that assaulted the town. We lined up by the gate, and kicked it open. We ran inside, ready to retake the town. But we were stopped by a landing dragon. It breathed fire and burned down our frontline. I rushed ahead and slammed it with my sword. It ruend to me, swinging it's wings at me. I put up my shield and blocked the attack, and before it took off flying, I stabbed into it's wing. It stopped, and turned to me. I put my sword through the dragons mouth as it opened, and rose my shield to block the fire that it breathed. I then stabbed it on the top of the head, twisting it and retracting it. It roared as it fell and died. But this still wasn't over, there were more dragons to kill.


"We aren't done yet, keep moving!" Ulfric yelled. Everyone split apart, marching into the burning town to reclaim it from the dragons. I rushed to the palace with several other people, but a dragon landed on top of a house, overlooking us. We got into cover as it breathed frost onto us, and rushed out, overwhelming it with arrows. It jumped down to us, breathing more frost, killing two of us. I raised my shield to block the attack. I then jumped on top of the dragon, slashing and stabbing it's head. It roared as I slit it's throat and it finally died.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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I kicked the door open and walked into the throne room. The crowd stood aside for me as I walked through.


"You dare split the Empire apart when the whole world is ending?" the Emperor shouted to Ralus. I cleared my throat and both of them turned to me.


"Dwemer blooded..... you're.... you're alive?" Alrith looked very astonished.


"You set me up!" I shouted, grabbing my bow.


"What? What are you saying Burns?" Ralus asked.


"On my way here, I was attacked by 30 bandits! All hired by Alrith, here's my proof," I grabbed the bounty from my satchel and handed it to Ralus. He looked it over.


"Treason? For what reason do you charge him?" Ralus asked.


"If he and his twisted family dies, wouldn't everything else go away? Aren't THEY the reason the world is ending?" Alrith asked. I turned around to hear the main door open, five guards walking in with my sisters tied.


"Ralus? Help?" I asked.


"People of the Empire! This Emporer is no longer the man you trusted! If Burns dies, we ALL die!" Ralus shouted. Alrith laughed.


"You think they'll believe a traitor?" he asked. "But enough speech, take your sides!"


"Skyrim takes Burns' side! We need the Dwemer blooded!"


"Hammerfell takes Burns' side! He saved us from the Dominion, we will repay the favor!"


"Morrowind takes the Empire! Save the world now!"


"Valenwood takes the side of the Empire! I won't risk anything to save my people!


"Summerset Isles takes the Empire's side!"


"The desert sands takes the side of the Empire!"


"Black Marsh takes Burns' side!" I sighed.



"Everyone has decided. Burns and his family die. Take them to th dungeons," Alrith walked away but I grabbed his arm and unsheathed my bow.


"Ralus, call your men. As a citizen of the Empire, I CALL REVOLUTION!"

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It was day one since making the recovery of being shot. My stomach was soar, but I could hold through. I was on patrol, enjoying the warm day. The sands smelled amazing, something I enjoyed about the Middle East deserts. I was following my sergeant, staying close in formation. My SCAR-Light IIV (RDS MOD 25 meters, extended barrel, and loosened bolt) in my hands. It was all quiet until we heard gunfire, coming right for us.


"Break form, find cover!" the sergeant shouted. I sprinted for a large sand dune, hiding behind it. Hearing gunfire was all but a familer thing to me. Beside me was a guy holding a SMAW-2 (beacon fire), pinpointing a range and pulling the trigger. Three bullets shot, marking where the rocket was, and he pulled the trigger twice to fire the rocket. The sound hit my ears, and the rocket flew to the target area. It exploded, and you could hear a brief scream. I jumped over the dune and ran for a stone building, taking cover behind the wall. I looked over and fired, lighting up the area in front of me. I heard a click, so I ejected the mag and put another in, pulling the bolt and jumping behind cover. I sprinted the other way, and saw a door.


"Corporal! Over here!" I shouted. A man came to me, and sat by the door. I kicked it open and we both ran inside. We saw a farmer, trying to open a cellar.


"Freeze!" I shouted. He pulled a pistol out of his pocket and shot the corporal, and i pulled my trigger, killing him. I looked at the corpral, who was getitng back on his feet.


"You alright?" I asked.


"Yeah, hit my vest," he replied. We ran up a set of stairs and opened a door onto the roof. We set up and overlooked the field, seeing our enemes.


"Gun them down until they're all dead or falling back," the sergeant said through the comms.

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Just a normal day, helping out an ambushed team in Afghan. Though this team was packing more than just an enemy squad, they walked right into a trap. Snow an I were set up on an office building's roof. The building was around 10 stories high, but we had a clear view of the play field.


"We're in position," I said through my radio. I pulled out some binoculars and set my bipod to my sniper up, and look over the field. Just some small arms military from the Taliban, probably a riot group. There were around 8 of them.


"I've got a shot on one, adjust you're sight vision 60x and 38y," Snow said, looking through his scope. I adjusted my sights, and got a look on an MG.


"Standard way, 3 shot, around 450 meters straight. On me," I counted the time. "Shot." Snow began to pull the trigger slowly.




"Shot." A loud banging noise came from Snow's sniper as the bullet rushed out and hit the MG.


"Hit," I finished. I began to notice how one of them was getting a fix on us with an RPG.


"Scope adjust, 7x3," I said. Snow sighed.


"Shot." I counted the time again.




"Shot." Another banging noise came from Snow's sniper, and the RPG was down.




"So, what do you do at home?" Snow asked.


"Depends; which home?" I replied.


"You know, home home." I thought a moment.


"Well, I enjoy video games. I also am planning to propose to my girlfriend when I get back. I already have the ring." Snow's smile turned back into a serious face, and he looked into his scope.


"Take this shot," he said. I dropped my binoculars and looked down my scope.


"6x2," he said. I adjusted my scope and noticed a truck with a 50cal. I aimed and followed the gunner, timing my shot. After a few seconds, I pulled back the trigger and the smoke came from my sniper The gunner was down.


"Hit," I said. A voice came from the radio as soon as I said that.


"All units, an airstrike will be approaching from the north to hit an escort that is headed in you're direction. Please standby, and cover you're ears." I looked into the sky to the north.


"I don't hear anything," Snow said.


"I don't either," I added. A few seconds later a plane came right off from the distance and a very loud and sharp sound registered from it. Explosions filled the tree lines and the plane flew back over us and continued straight.



"Good effect on target," I said through the radio.

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