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Constant CTDs and Freezes


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I just recently uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim to get rid of a lot of the mods I had and start fresh(er). I wasn't exactly expecting my old saves to work, but 2 of them do. Out of the 7 or so characters that I have only 2 will actually work. The other ones go to the loading screens for a couple seconds and then the game crashes. Whatever, no biggy. I was okay with starting a new character. Only I can't. Everything I choose New Game, it loads, and then I get to either the "Bethesda Game Studios" or "Presents" and the game just stops there. The sounds of being on the carriage will continue, but it never goes beyond that.


If there is any other info that is needed, I'll be happy to provide it.


Thank you in advance.

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So did you go through the process of uninstalling the mods before you did your uninstall/reinstall?


The fact that you have some save games working, with characters,etc suggests you did not do a complete ininstall reinstall.


1. Uninstall all mods from NMM

2. Delete Local Content through Steam.

3. Uninstall the program using something like Glary Utilities or IOBit uninstaller, that checks for registry files etc.

4. Go to steamapps/common and C; games and users/documents/gamesand delete any skyrim folders. The first two are your apps from Steam and NMM. That last one is where your savegames are, which it seems were not deleted.


After all of that, then you can start the reinstall.

Try to play first without any mods. It that works, add them in one at at time. Run BOSS, play for a wile, add the next. Prevents problems down the road.

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What I did was Delete Local Content through Steam.

Then went deleted the entire Data folder and then all my savegames.


However, when I reinstalled, Steam Cloud did some syncing and all my savegames were back.


I'll try again through your method though.

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