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First Lesson not working - help plz


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I'm at the college doing First Lesson. I go into the hall and stand nest to the other students. Tolfdir talks for a while and then just stops. When I try to speek to him I get the message on the upper left saying "this person is buisy". I've tried using the console command "resetquest MG01" but it just happens again. I've even did a complete delete and reinstall from steam. I'm running some mods but none that effect quests or the college.



Any ideas?????

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SO I am just trying to offer something that might work cause I saw this was still unanswered, but I have never heard of that problem or had it myself. I hope this will help you in some way, if only that someone has noticed your pain!


From your description, it sounds to me like your delete.reinstall did not remove all the files, particularly the save files. (forgive me if this is an incorrect assumption).


Regardless, my first thought is that you have missed something that triggers Tolfdir to see you as a student. Did you walk up to whats her face, take her little test and then follow her around listening to the spiel she gives until she tells you to go in with the other new students? Did you go through all of your dialogue options with her? It seems that if you cut her off too early you might not get the trigger. Are you standing with the other students? Have you tried to engage any of them in dialogue (I have never had to before getting the dialogue from Tolf, but it might jog something, who knows?


For a complete deletion of all files:


1. Uninstall all mods from NMM

2. Delete Local Content through Steam. Disable Steam Cloud Sync, if you haven't already.

3. Uninstall Skyrim using something like Glary Utilities or IOBit uninstaller, that checks for registry files etc.

4. Go to steamapps/common and C; games and users/documents/gamesand Delete any skyrim folders. The first two are your apps from Steam and NMM. That last one is where your savegames are, which it seems may not have been deleted.


After all of that, then you can start the reinstall.

Try to play first without any mods. It that works, add them in one at at time. Run BOSS, play for a bit, add the next. Prevents problems down the road.


Again these are just stabs in the dark, I do not know precisely your solution. If any of it helps, I am glad!

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