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Voiced Argonian Followers


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I've been searching around for awhile and can't seem to many decent Argonian followers. I use Interesting NPCs so I have Anum-La (who is female so not what I am after even though she's awesome) and have used Among-The-Hist (but the end of a certain story line ruins using him and he wasn't marriageable anyway) So now I am back to having no custom voiced male argonian followers, I came across one that was voiced back in 2012 but it seems to have been abandoned and from what I can gather sadly wasn't the best quality audio. If I had the equipment and was male I would gladly voice one myself sadly I do not and am not.


TLDR: Can someone please make or point me to a custom voiced marriageable male argonian follower :smile:


Edit: I'll accept ones using default argonian male voice that has extra dialogues set up like RDO (but doesn't require it) :)

Edited by Bersark93
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