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No Stone Unturned.


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Okay, I've ran into what I think might be an issue.


I have the quest in my log, but the Unusual Gems have not turned into Stones of Barenziah and Vex no longer has the dialogue option.


The problem I have, is that I made my way to the Ragged Flagon early on, way before joining the Thieves Guild and spoke to Vex. Now that I'm a full member, the option to appraise them just doesn't appear in her dialogue anymore.


Reloading a previous save is just not on the cards, considering I'm now 250+ hours into my current game. I didn't think it would be such a f*#@ing issue, to be honest. I always forget how broken this game is, just by doing one thing ever-so-slightly out-of-order. Resetting the quest via console does nothing, and all I can do is advance the quest stages, none of which take me to a point where the Gems turn into the Stones.

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