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save game folders question


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A couple of quick questions please.


Is it possible to change the cryptic names of the save game folders for the different profiles? I would like them to reflect the profile they belong to.


If not will it be possible in the future?


I'm I missing something obvious?

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No, it's not possible and if would make the thing more errorprone. Right now Vortex uses an id that never changes whenever it "internally" refers to the profile, the name you can edit is a purely visual attribute.

If we used the editable name for the game directory we'd have to rename the directory whenever you change the profile name, ensure that the new name is a valid directory name and not yet used, we'd have to update ini files and so on. If anything goes wrong your savegames could become inaccessible.


Once Vortex is very stable otherwise I may consider doing changes like this but for now I want to avoid as much as possible the risk of introducing new bugs for things that already work.

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Thanks for the answer Tannin, I kind of thought something like that would be the case. I totally understand your reasoning, if it's possible in the future that would be nice but not a major issue either way.



Another question on this please, is it possible to implement a simple right click dropdown menu either in the profiles tab for each profile, or the save game tab that would open the save game folder for the active profile in file manager as is possible with the mods tab.

Now that I think about it this would totally suffice for what I was asking about hopefully without the risks you are trying to avoid.


Thanks again.

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