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I play Daggerfall (in case there's anyone left who doesn't know, it's now free, as long as you also download DOSbox to play it). I heard people saying online that the dungeons in Daggerfall are like massive mazes, in which someone could get lost. However, I've been to about twenty dungeons and they all took less than 45 seconds to complete... or so I thought.


Daggerfall is buggy, and one time when I entered a dungeon, I appeared several hundred feet above the ceiling of the dungeon itself. This is relevant because while I was hanging two hundred feet above the ceiling, I got a great view of the dungeon. It spread out in all directions like a giant maze. When I got the game un-bugged and entered the same dungeon, it was very, very short, just like the others. Is there something I'm missing? Should I be finding hidden levers somewhere, or did Bethesda just decide to put in dozens of rooms and hallways that you can't reach into each dungeon?

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Probably hidden passages. Games of that age were meant to be played for weeks or months, and given that using stairs is a valid skill... Yeah, they're probably going to make you spend hours trying to figure things out.



Since the game was made before the days of a toolset, and if memory serves used mostly just simple polygonal rooms, doing lots of extra work just for things you might glimpse through a hole probably wasn't practical given the scale of the game. Then again, it might be possible that what you were looking at was really multiple dungeons within the same space to reuse sections of deal with some programming limitation.

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There are hidden doors all over Daggerfall dungeons, as well as pits and skylights that lead to other levels (use levitation or the climbing skill to access them). They're massive dungeons. Even looking at them using the map it can be hard to figure out where you are or where you're supposed to go. Edited by Tchos
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