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NPC night vision/detection in warning state.


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How to make the NPC detection worse at the moment when we shot them and we were detected during night time? I know about the fSneakLightMult and fDetectionSneakLightMod, but it does not seem that they work when we were discovered.

The problem is that I'm using Darker Nights and the NPC notice me too good and too fast right after I open fire on them.

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Darker Nights should have some sort of option on install that changes enemy awareness. There is also this mod, which may help a little bit. Their level of awareness is also likely due to the weird balancing of sneak perks. If you don't have it already get the last sneak perk and see if it helps you lose them. If you want enemies to not notice you in Fallout 4 you have to go all in for stealth. It doesn't become easy until you've essentially maxed the stealth perks. They will also notice nearby bullet impacts if you miss, and will usually notice allies dying near them. Those will put them in the alert state immediately and they'll begin looking for you. The more active you are, continuing to move around or shoot, the more likely they are to zero in on you.

So, max out stealth, wear light armor (probably leather), customize that armor with shadowed and muffled, and get a suppressor on your weapon, or use melee with Blitz. Also, there are about 5 sound ratings for weapons, not just two. You may want to experiment and see which weapons get you noticed less often or less easily. I suspect the 10mm Pistol or Deliverer are your best options.

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There are a few things I would check first:

1. How are your weapons set up. If you have them at max damage, with a silencer and flash suppressor, then that should mean that the enimies spotting you will not be as easy.

2. What difficulty setting are you runnings and have the enemies been set to be faster, stronger, do more damage, etc. If you're on Survival and tou amped enemy abilities, then that would explain things a bit, too.

3. Are you using V.A.T.S.? If not what are you using in it's place. V.A.T.S. will dlow things down and improve the odds of getting that one hit kill, which will help your detection.


As to the main thrust of your question, I have no idea how to help you there. I would check Darker Nights settings and see if some of those are getting involved. Crouching also helps as the game will mark you as hidden to some degree, too.

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Thanks for the answers, but I would like to clarify - I made my mod where there is no leveling and perks, and the weapon is balanced so as to be as close to reality as possible.

I'm trying to find parameters that are similar to fSneakLightMult and fDetectionSneakLightMod, but which work at the moment when we don't sneak, but we have already been detected and only in the dark.

I can be wrong, but I think I created this topic in the moding section. If not, then I apologize :sad:

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