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Immediate CTD Upon Loading Solidtude (SKSE)


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Okay, so I have a weird problem: SKSE, even with all of my mods disabled, does not want to load Solitude. I would be okay with this if it wasn't for the fact I have to follow a guy around Solitude to complete a quest. So far I've tried:

  • running Skyrim via the launcher (works just fine)
  • sorting my load order with LOOT
  • creating a Bashed Patch
  • disabling everything except for Skyrim, its DLCs, and the texture packs
  • updating SKSE

Nothing has worked for me. I think the strangest thing about this is that last night, I was able to load Solitude just fine with all my mods enabled, so I don't know what happened in-between last night and this morning.


If nothing works, I think I'm just going to have to start a new game (which I don't want to do since I'm level 21, I'm trying to progress through the Thieves Guild, and I have a lot of items in my inventory).


Please ignore the typo in the title. This is the first time I've made a thread on the forums and I don't know how to edit it.


I think I've found the problem: my save game for my one profile is corrupted. Other saved profiles load Solitude just fine. I think I'm going to have to start over. RIP Dra'vari.

Edited by 101dogscc
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Check your SKSE.ini file and make sure the memory edits are still there. If the file itself is missing, you'll have to make/download a new one.


DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 <--should be somewhere between 512 and 1024
ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 <--should only be this value and nothing else

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Check your SKSE.ini file and make sure the memory edits are still there. If the file itself is missing, you'll have to make/download a new one.



DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 <--should be somewhere between 512 and 1024

ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 <--should only be this value and nothing else


Sorry for the late reply; I haven't had computer access.

SKSE.ini didn't exist so I downloaded one off of Nexus. I booted up Skyrim and the same thing happened - it crashed trying to load Solitude.

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Try disabling any texture pack you have that affects Solitude.


Like I said in my post, every mod I had was disabled. The High Resolution Texture Pack was still enabled, however, so I tried disabling it and loaded the save in Solitude. Same results: instant CTD.


Okay, new information: I tried loading another character profile and using the COC command to teleport into Solitude and it loaded fine. I think my one save profile is corrupted.

Edited by 101dogscc
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