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First of all, loving' it. Second it needs a few things to compete with NMM


1) A drop down button to use stuff like 'BodySlide' or 'FNIS'

2) Enable all button

3) Profiles, because it makes things so much easier

4) and finally, a sort by download/install date


thanks for listening

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1) You can start external tools like FNIS or BodySlide from the Dashboard.

2) That is the "Deploy Mods" button on the Mods page. "Purge Mods" will disable them all. If you select multiple mods, you can Enable or Disable them all from the toolbar at the bottom.

3) You can enable profiles in the Settings dialog

4) You can sort by clicking on the respective headline in the table. Like "Installation Time" to sort by this.


Also you might want to enable the Advanced Mode in the settings to enable filtering.

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