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NifScope - Help Needed


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I've been working on an armour set recently using some existing meshes and some of my own.


After many hours of frustration learning Blender and Photoshop I've managed to get the model looking pretty much the way I want it (still needs proper skinning) and exported it as a nif, but now I've hit a wall in regards to configuring the model with NifScope. After following a couple of tutorials (both suggesting different methods) I have not been able to successfully apply my textures to the meshes... I think the problem may be with the shader flags but I'm an absolute amateur with NifScope so I can't really be sure.


It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could take the time to have a look at the nif files for me.



Download link for nifs, textures and .blend files

Image - NFSW



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That is actually one of the tutorials I tried, but when I got to the end of the tutorial my meshes were still white. I think it was this step of the tutorial that caused me to go wrong:


The next step consists in setting the right properties for the BSLightingShaderProperty nodes you've just added.

Select the BSLightingShaderProperty node you are going to edit.

Set its properties in the block details:

Picture BSLightingShaderProperty settings for the body shows the settings for all the properties that are used for the body nodes (the parts of the armour where the body is shown).

Picture BSLightingShaderProperty settings for the armour shows the settings I've used for all the properties that are used for the armour nodes.

Repeat this for all the BSLightingShaderProperty nodes of all the NiTriShape nodes that form your armour.


I seem to have a different version of NifSkope to the one shown in the tutorial and a lot of the settings shown in the images (especially the shader flags) are not available to me.

Could you please send me the nif with one piece of armour textured so that I can reverse engineer the settings for the other pieces.



P.S. The bracers seem to be exporting without a scene root. I used the same technique for the boots and cuirass and they exported without a problem. Any idea why this is?

P.P.S. Updated the links in my first post with the nifs that I have attempted to configure, so maybe you will be able to see what I am doing wrong.

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So I've followed these steps:

- Changed version number to 12 & 83

- Deleted scene root and children

- Added BSLightingShaderProperty & BSShaderTextureSet to the NiTriShapes

- Associated Textures to the BSShaderTextureSets


Is there something I'm missing because my model still isn't displaying the textures.

Here are my settings:



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