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Synth Cait or similar Synth Female Companion


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This is more of a wishful thinking than a request, as I know it takes a lot of hard work to make a good if not great companion texture (voice optional but would make it so good) overhaul, I envision cait looking similarly to Nick but still has her own style, meaning she'll still have that "ex raider punkish" look on her, just with a twist of institute. I just want to put this out here, it'll be the last thing I need to complete my "Institute Lord" character playthrough.


Edit: I think these pictures can be somewhat of what I want it to be, but still lorefriendly of course. Courtesy of CyberPunk 2077


Edited by EliasTheGamer
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Unique Followers https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4293 Allows followers to have unique body meshes/textures.


Combine with:

Gen 2 Synth Skin https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27937


Female Robot Textures by Tateki https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9853/


And you can make Cait a synth. It's what I used for the longest time on Curie.


Wintermute https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12573 may also interest you for an Institute playthrough.

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Work in progress.


If you're looking for something like Cyberpunk 2077, you should look up the loose textures for Rogue Hex or Rogue Cyberpunk from this page: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24127


Though that second link is female-only (for now) and will not change your mesh like the first one. I have also hidden the main page there due to too many bugs (which is why I am making iSynth instead).



All that said, I would recommend the "Replikant Synth" texture option in iSynth. There is still the dark face bug, but that is caused by a tinting issue I am working on and easily fixed if you choose the right Face Preset. From what you're describing, I would also suggest scrolling through the Body list to the Wasteland Prosthetics bodies (Rep-Synth is an option there for texture, as well). Should be the right combination of human-and-synth looking skin with a custom mesh for a pit fighter you might enjoy. Good luck with it. :)

Edited by Flowerguy360
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