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Changing Item Orientation in Item Menu


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Hello there!



- I just recently started delving into the creation kit to customize my game and I have a question on items displaying in menus. Right now I'm changing meshes to a bunch of unique items in the game (which is going great but is super tedious, mad respect to all the modders out there) and some of the items when I look them up in the menu are oriented in weird ways. For example, as a test, I replaced the unique one handed sword "Dragonbane" from its Akaviri blades mesh to a one handed glass sword mesh. Everything loaded up fine, weapon had its model, textures, and effects, but when I went to the menu to select it the item model was laying flat (as if laying on the ground) instead of vertical. It's a small thing but it's pretty annoying to have to not be able to get a good look at the weapon when selecting it in menus or to have to reorient it every time.



- So my question is, is there a way to change the preset orientation of an item in menus? If anyone can point me to the right way, that'd be very appreciated!


Other Info:

- I'm using creation kit.

- For the way I change meshes, I just go into creation kit, look up the weapon ID, select the weapon and change the model to my desired nif file. I make sure to make copies of nifs and give them unique names so they don't override other things and so I can freely just focus on adjusting the unique nif. For example for dragonbane, I copied the glass one handed sword nif and then renamed it dragonbane.nif.

- TOTAL NOOB Modder, detail on how to go about solving the issue would be really appreciated.


Thanks for checking out my question, hope someone can help me out. Take care.


P.S. I almost never post on forums, so if I'm breaking some rule or posting in the wrong place, let me know and I'm super sorry!


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You cannot do this with the Creation Kit. The way items are displayed in the inventory menu is determined by the settings inside the .nif file itself. So the only way you can change this is with NifSkope.


Replacing weapons shouldn't be a problem actually since all vanilla weapons have proper settings inside their .nif files. Just make sure you use the 1stPerson version of the models (1stpersonglasssword). The other version (glasssword) don't have a setting for the inventory view. That's why it's laying flat.


P.S.: Why do you replace Dragonbane with a glass weapon???

Edited by Novem99
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Thank you two so much for pointing me to the right direction, really appreciated!


Take care!


P.S. I just replaced dragonbane with a glass sword as a super quick test example. Currently it's using InsanitySorrow's super awesome celtic katana model

Edited by Efran25
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