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Can't scroll to top of tools list


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The tools widget on the Dashboard places FO4Edit at the top of the list of available tools. I'm having the problem that if I add tools then the top of the list is no longer accessible. With 5 tools OK, with 6 FO4Edit is only half visible, with 7 or more I can scroll to the bottom just fine but can't reach the top of the list. Removing tools makes the top reachable again, but then I have to reinstall BodySlide and DEF_UI every time I want to use them, and the list is not re-orderable. I've actually been seeing this problem since the Vortex alpha was first released but just now posted about it, was surprised to not find a thread for this - is this a common/known issue? I'm managing FO4 using Vortex version 0.14.3 with screen res 1920x1080.

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can confirm the bug - see the orange strip of pixels at the top? there's three tools up there, not accessible since i can't scroll further up:



this is the state if i delete the lowest tool from the box and scroll to the top.


this has been a problem since the public release at least - i couldn't fit all my tools for skyrim either.

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