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What happened to the DMRA body+armor replacer?


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There is an individual by the name of "wkdRmffhemqkseka" here at the Morrowind Nexus who was making a DMRA-like body mod and was even making vanilla clothes+armor replacers for the body too. However, if you head on over there and try searching for it (Or use this link I got from my download history: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44415) You will discover that the mod and its addons have been deleted. I'm not exactly sure why this happened, my theory is that the mod maker was being harassed by Morrowind purists in the comment section of the mod, but I can't say for sure.

Did anyone here possibly download those mods and still have them? Unfortunately, I don't have the files anymore, nor did I ever download any of the armor/clothes addons. Therefore, would any of you mind sharing them? Thanks!

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It seems that the author removed the files her/himself. If you check the MA's profile, you'll see that there are no longer any files there. Authors remove their files for many reasons -- they don't have time to maintain them or work on them further, they aren't able to offer support the way they would like or they just want to go back to gaming and having fun that way. You might try looking up the author and dropping him/her a note to see if they'd share the file with you. Other than that, all you can do is respect the author's decision. :)

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It seems that the author removed the files her/himself. If you check the MA's profile, you'll see that there are no longer any files there. Authors remove their files for many reasons -- they don't have time to maintain them or work on them further, they aren't able to offer support the way they would like or they just want to go back to gaming and having fun that way. You might try looking up the author and dropping him/her a note to see if they'd share the file with you. Other than that, all you can do is respect the author's decision. :smile:

I did PM them a week ago. Unfortunately they haven't been online since the 5th of May so I'm unsure when and if they'll be back. I've been following the updates for the mod for several weeks, I was waiting to download it when it was completed, so I'm a little saddened to see it completely gone without having the chance to try it.

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  • 2 months later...

If you're still wondering about the DMRA body replacer, wkdRmffhemqkseka recently posted this on his/her latest upload (27 July 2018):


The deleted DMRA body replacer will be reuploaded soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. Some months ago, I deleted all my mods intentionally because I had some good ideas (one of them is now obsolete though T^T). After that suddenly I became busy again and then I forgot everything. Sorry for all the confusions! :smile:
Edited by Rhypon
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