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NPC keeps repeating dialogue and messages disappear too fast.


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Hi all,

Newbie here at modding, and im trying to do a dialogue between a Dremora and Player.


The mod is available here, and the dremora is ingame.



Been following the below link to do dialogue:



But no matter how i did it, he keeps repeating only the first line of his dialogue and even so,

his replies disappear too fast.


Is there someone who is kind enuff to show me a esp to see how a dialogue is correctly crafted?

Or alternatively open up my esp and see what went wrong?

I will credit you of course.

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Ok i know how dialogue structure works.

But im stuck here, when configuring microphone, i get an empty "Input Format" dialog box.

Apparently this is a common bug.


Anyone knows how to workaround this? Is it possible to import a silent wav to circumvent this?

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shadeMe created an SKSE plugin that would play a silent wav file if there is no associated wav for a line of dialogue (similar to Elys' Silent Voice for Oblivion.


I don't remember where I got it, but it's called "Fuz Ro D'oh".

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Don't know what's the problem with your dialogues always. If you do it in the right order it works well. Write a response hit okay. Click on the response again (in the info text) ; press "record" wait and hit "done" and then simply click on ´"save". That always works for me. If I have a microphone put in or not doesn't really matter
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Thanks man, but i've tried the SKSE plugin, doesn't seem to work. Messages still fly past too fast.



I have absolutely no idea where i went wrong. Searched the web and found a lot of pple also having this "input format" bug.


Anyway, i've uploaded the latest version 1.2

Can any kind souls download it, and review it and let me know where i went wrong? lol im at my wits end


Thanks in advance.

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i downloaded you 1.2 and what i noticed that on the responses there was a record / sound file but with 'N's. So it was not saved. I recorded it without mic to see if it works and it did for me.

I have working blank audio files for the dialogue. When you record always be sure to hit "Done" and then "Save". I don't know what else could cause the problem. I never even heard of it :/

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i downloaded you 1.2 and what i noticed that on the responses there was a record / sound file but with 'N's. So it was not saved. I recorded it without mic to see if it works and it did for me.

I have working blank audio files for the dialogue. When you record always be sure to hit "Done" and then "Save". I don't know what else could cause the problem. I never even heard of it :/


killerrj8, thanks very much for your help!!


Sorry do you mind elaborating on what you meant by:

"there was a record / sound file but with 'N's. So it was not saved"?


Sorry lemme list out the steps i did to do this, please correct me if i missed out anything.


1) Double click on Response Text


2) Click on Voice Type, CRDremora to highlight it,


3) Click Record....wait a few seconds, (i did not wait for the blue progress bar to finish loading.) then click Done.


4) Then click Save.


5) Then save the whole esp.


Did i miss out any steps?


I've tried it ingame and it still didn't work.


*EDIT* Ok got it to work now. Apparently it works if i rename all WAV files to FUZ files. Wierd.


Below Solution by Seidenweber:


Edited by Phyber
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Glad to hear that it works now :). By "N's" I mean in the sound file / Voice type there are "Lip Sync" and such tabs next to the voice type. Below those 4 words saying lip sync and what not there are letters. There is a 'Y' if it is saved or 'N' when it is not. I think it has to be 'Y' at atleast 2 of them. Not all need to be.
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