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'elp a poor bloke make a pretty SE character, guv'nor


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So I decided to give SE a try after all, and maybe make some new swords for it. Thing is, it's been kinda a tradition to pose my weapons on a pretty girl. (I know, I know, that's not very sensitive marketing on my part. But in my defense, I do go for a pretty face and pretty clothes, not bikini babes. If that helps.)


Other thing is, I can't seem to make one in SE. My old extensively self-tuned races don't work right any more. (And I really mean extensively. I even had my own .tri file for the head, and self-edited alpha on the usual haircut.)



I tried just downloading UNP, with the head they come with, and... well, I can't even seem to get a Nord to look the way I want her to look. And Nords used to be the easiest to get pretty. The best I can get is someone with an unhealthy looking skin (or makeup), and making a face like you'd think the Imperials were trying to chop her head off or something :wink:


Plus, her skin looks nothing like in the character editor afterwards. And, dunno, the subsurface scattering on a very pale vampire seems to look very very wrong. Seriously, that's one Uncanny Valley Girl :wink:


Then I tried a Breton, and that one ended up looking downright clinically depressed and possibly mentally disturbed. You know, that look in her eyes, that says the wheel is spinning, but the hamster is sitting in a little throne going, "kill them in my name!" :wink:



Adding some of the old pre-SE skins and parts I had, well, they resulted in problems ranging from neck seams to, I kid you not, general Tullius making a Donald Duck face when talking to the bound and gagged Ulfric...



So, err, can anyone 'elp a poor bloke make a sexy character, please? Like, tell me exactly what mods and/or preset to install? Pretty please?

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Update: whoops, it looks like I had copied some spurious FemaleHead.nif from SOMEWHERE, not entirely sure where, that wasn't matching the chargen .tri file. Looks like that was causing the derpy faces. My bad.


Well, I'm still up for suggestions though.

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