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Terrain textures showing on placed objects

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Hey guys,


Anybody knows how I can prevent terrain textures like sand, dirt, seagul's *** to show on placed objects?


If I drop an armor or a weapon, textures remain ok - if I drop (use PlaceAtMe in a script actually) a duffle bag or a sleeping bag, half of their textures will get masked by the ground's decals. I double-checked settings in Nifskope, Materials and the CK, but I can't figure out how to prevent that.


Any suggestion would be very welcome - thanks!

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Here's what it looks like in Far Harbor for instance. No need to say, my textures don't include the stains - as a matter of facts, I'm using FadingSignal's textures here - doubled-checked all settings in Nifsksope, CK, Material editor, can't figure it out. It can happen just as well on the Duffle Bag or the MiscObjects placed on the left of it...


Really, nobody has a clue?







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Those are projected decals, they'll apply to anything in their projection trajectory.


You'd have to place the sleeping bag in your example above the decal projector marker (a blue arrow marker in the CK) or move the marker down below the sleeping bag, so its decal still projects correctly.

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Hey thanks payl0ad,


yeah, I found out last night by loading this Far Habor cell in the CK and digging amongst the dozens of invisible markers. These decal markers have no 3D, they're pretty much dropped from the sky on anything they touch and they're just everywhere, 20 or 40 instances of them in Far Harbor alone!.. They apply fairly high too, I spawned a tree stump and a cinder barricade for test in that spot and both were covered all the way to the top by these "DecalSeagullDroppings"!.. I have a place by the sea (in real life I mean ;)) and I tell you, I'm glad I never have to park my car in Far Harbor!.. :pinch: It's not just these seaguls thing, but also sand and dirt and dozens of other of these decals everywhere!..


What puzzles me though is they do not apply at all on dropped weapons, armors or clothes. Just on everything else. So unless it's hard-coded, I'm thinking there may be a setting somewhere in the materials or texture sets, or even maybe ini settings, which may prevent them to apply to some objects. I'm pretty sure it's not in the CK form tabs anyway, 'cause I've tried almost everything. Would you have any idea why they're kept away from weapons and armors?


There's always the option to locate them through script running on placed objects and temporarily disable them or like you say move them below, but I 'd rather have my mod leave the lightest footprint as possible in the game. Still digging...


Many thanks anyway for your help! :)

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Ouch!.. Furniture is not exactly the type of objects you want to release to havok!.. :pinch:


But many thanks for letting me know, you've saved me hours of research, I'm sure.


That being said, it's kind of odd to think that if you were to place a workbench here, it'd be filthed with bird... "droppings" as the CK calls these :sick:

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You're welcome. :)


This is just a technical thing I guess. You can work around it with good object placement but as you can imagine, BGS does not really take moddability into account when building places. And why would they?

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Sure :) I never meant it differently, it's actually kind of amazing what they've done with the same engine. That being said, from my somewhat "narrow" modder's point of view, I find Fallout 4 a lot more trickier to mod than Skyrim was. With the precombined mesh stuff and baked textures and the intricate workshop system (and lots of other stuff I yet have to discover), it's become harder, at least to me, to create "clean" mods - by that, I don't just mean mods that won't conflict with other mods, but simply mods that won't break some basic game features you may have overlooked... Harder, but interesting because it's also a challenge and that's part of the fun ;)

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