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SKSE64 Works, But Also Doesn't


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I managed to fix the problem! Turns out installing skse64 is a tiny bit different than installing skse. Just in case anyone in the future is having this problem and manages to stumble on this thread, I'll link the video that showed me hoe to install skse64 properly.


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Not sure why the guy in that vid needs to archive the scripts for a mod manager. You just drag n drop to Data folder. It's the same thing as the mod manager, in less steps. I mean, I guess if you wanted to uninstall SKSE at some point, it's useful.. but it's unlikely I ever would uninstall it. Nor are those scripts likely to change names across future versions. If there are new SKSE versions of those scripts, you'll just drag and overwrite the others.. but I don't think the names themselves would change. Too much relies on their naming as it stands.

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