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Inaccurate Sights

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I've got problems with the sights in two weapon mods: The firs is the VLTOR SBR Assault Rifle (Link: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40092), the second one is the Magpul Masada ACR Hi Poly (Link: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43131). The problem is the same in both mods, When I use the iron Sights/Holosights, the gun is shooting over the sight (see screenshot). Without aiming the same weapons shoot accurate to the crosshair, like they should. If I use the variants with Scopes they work perfectly, if i use the scope or not. The problem also appears only to the 10.5 and 14.5 Masadas, the 18.5 variants work just fine. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?

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After testing a bit I found out why the 18.5 Masadas work: I changed the Attack animation, which is AttackLoop for the 10.5 and 14.5 Masadas to Attack3, which is used by the 18.5 Masada. With this animation, all the sights work just fine. Problem is, that this animatinon drastically reduces fire rate, and it looks pretty weird with fullautomatic weapons, too, so I still have no idea how to fix the problem.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on people, isn't there someone who knows how to handle this?!


yes ive been looking into it:



thats a tutorial ive been trying to fathom.

basicly it boils down to opening up the nif file in nifscope and modifying the ##SightingNode. its simple enough to fix just select the node and right click to transform and edit. move it on.... the Y axis i believe and then save it. might take some trial and error to get it perfect. it recommends you take a screenshot of it being wrong then try to apply it as you look at it in nifskope.

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