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SKSE64 and SKIUI not working


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Hi guys!

can someone help me with my SKSE64 and my SKIUI? I cannot get them to work when i load my game up. Says my scripts are outdated, but I have installed the latest versions for each.They both fail to launch together, all my other mods work with the SKSE launcher. But SKIUI will not.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Let's skip SkyUI for now. But how do you launch your game? SKSE64 requires you to run skse64_loader.exe instead of skyrim.exe or the skyrim launcher.exe

When you are in the loading screen (or anywhere in the game), hit ` key to open console, type in getskseversion. If you are playing Skyrim Special Edition, it should read like this

SKSE64 version: 2.0.7, release idx 56, runtime 01050270
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