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(SE) No bodies to choose from in the "Outfit/body" in Bodyslide


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Excuse my ignorance if this was answered before but I have tried many tutorials and come up with no solutions, and various googling doesn't come up with anything specifically related to my problem. I wanted to change my character's bodyshape but have no option to select what body to use from. The presets are fine, but there is no bodies. I do know CBBE is needed to be installed for the body settings to show up on the list but it doesn't show up at all.



My setup:

  • CBBE body installed
  • Bodyslide Installed
  • Using ModOrganizer 2 for handling my mods and tools

If anyone can help me, I would be grateful for the help!

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Not trying to offensive, but this LE, and though I would love to help. I don't really play SE. Which makes me wonder how good my advice would really be? Is exactly the same? Does BS have a different config in SE has it has in LE.


Which brings to my point, to get a correct answer, shouldn't you be posting in the correct forum? It can't hurt, or, is SE so dead, no answers the forum there?


Not that I really care, but when I saw your post, my mind started wandering.......


But I wouldn't be using MO2, I use Wrye. It more powerful anyway. And all the argument in favor of MO became pointless has technology advance. So just stick with a mod organizer that more supported, more powerful & more up to date, MO1 included it that has well.


What can it hurt? Using a more reliable Modding Tool, that any one who plays Skyrim (NMM legacy, NMM, Vortex, MO, MO2) consider to be a invaluable Tool, meaning your crazy to play without it. Has your main Modding Tool?

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