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Cant run any mods?


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I'm not new to modding whatsoever, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything correctly (for the most part)?


Recently I uninstalled my modded game of Skyrim through Steam, reinstalling it a couple days later, only now whenever I try to put mods in nothing works?


I was using Mod Organizer with the previous install, this time I used Mod Organizer 2, and when that didn't work I installed all my mods via NMM which wouldn't work either.


The game launches and functions normally (but is vanilla), and I launch through SKSE, which is working.


I've tried subscribing to SkyUI through Steam, installing it via NMM, and then also installing it manually by placing folders and still nothing at all. I've reinstalled the game twice this week and still nothing seems to work despite me having a fully functional modded game before uninstalling?

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1. Check if your ESP's are activated properly.


2. Nexus and/or mod manager 2 are looking at the wrong folder. Double check your configurations.


3. Have you tried manually placing a mod into the "Skyrim/Data/" directory to see if the problem lies with the mod managers or your game?

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Thanks for the reply!!!


My ESPs are enabled correctly and the mod managers are looking in the correct folder from what I can tell?

When I run SKSE through both of them, they run fine so I'm pretty sure its fine.


And yeah I did I installed manually and also tried NMM manually putting them into the actual data directory, I'm assuming the issue is with my game...? It's strange, my previous game was functional with mods, and I've reinstalled twice and there's no change...?


I even did the SkyrimPrefs ini thing with the "bEnablefileselection=1" and still no, it was already set to that.


Is it possible this is caused by Windows 10s issues with permissions and read-onlys...? The Skyrim folder in the Steam directory is set to read-only, so Im assuming that's it but I'm also unsure.

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1. Check if your ESP's are activated properly.


2. Nexus and/or mod manager 2 are looking at the wrong folder. Double check your configurations.


3. Have you tried manually placing a mod into the "Skyrim/Data/" directory to see if the problem lies with the mod managers or your game?

Hmmmm. having the folders set to read only shouldn't matter. Mine are set that way and my mods execute just fine.


I'm having a bit of trouble narrowing down your problem. Try going to the Dark Fox Guild discord. Plenty of people there who might know a solution to your problem. Most of the people there are very Skyrim oriented so someone might know the cause. https://discordapp.com/invite/4WD7RCD


Sorry that I couldn't help you any further.

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Yeah, I was worried that that was the issue, but it wouldn't make sense because that's how mine used to be :/


Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out!!!


It's alright, thank you though for the help regardless!

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