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Cant get weapons to work!


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Hello, I was hoping I could get some help with something. I've been trying to add a weapon to skyrim and whenever i go to test it the weapon in the right hand stays at my waist at all times even after drawing it the left hand works wonderfully.


I've also been trying to make a one handed wuuthrad and that has the same problem only the right hand weapon stays on my back.


And if someone can tell me how to make my weapons temperable on the anvils that'd be great


The attachement is what it looks like (basically the same for wuuthrad only on my back)


Please and Thank you.

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You took a 2h sword and modded it to 1h? No access to CK atm but if i remember right there is a box in the weapon's form to assign the weapon to a hand...could be that this box uses the wrong option.


To temper the weapon you have to create/copy a TemperWeaponNAME form in the CK, give it a new name/ID, in the form is a box for the affected weapon on the top right side, you have to change this box to your weapon as well - see part 4 of my signature tutorial.

Edited by ghosu
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do you mean the drop down menu with either hand, right hand, left hand, both hands options? i changed it from both hands to either hand and that left one on my back i then tried left and right hand and both of those did the same thing


it's beyond confusing =L




EDIT: about the tempering thing... THANK YOU! =D I never would have known how to do that

Edited by joefantana
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Personally I found I had the same problem until I changed the weapon type in the .nif itself. E.g., I'd declare the ninjato to be two-handed, and suddenly the character only fakes drawing it and fights with an invisible weapon. Does that sound like your problem?


Basically you'll have to make a copy of the mesh (unpack it, if you're duplicating a vanilla one), open it in NifSkope. Tick the option to show the blocks in a list. Click on the header node in the list on the left. Scroll down to the strings in the list on the bottom of the screen, expand the list of strings. Now there will be some string saying something like WeaponSword, or WeaponBack or such. Double-click it and hange it to the apropriate type for what you're turning it into. Save. Use the new mesh in your weapon definition in the CK.


I don't know how much experience you have with NifSkope. If none, it may sound like high magic, but trust me, for this one it's no different from editing a weapon's form in the CK.

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seemed simple enough to me but i guess it is harder than it looked, the un-bsa'd mesh in the strings didn't have the weaponsword option there was only:











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Well, a two hander is of type "WeaponBack", because you wear it on your back when "sheathed". And, as you can see, you do have a string there that says "WeaponBack." You'll want to change that string to "WeaponAxe" if you make it one-handed.
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changing the weapon back to weapon axe didnt do anything for me. and I've kinda given up on 1h wuuthrad till i get the other weapons straightened out. thank you though.


but i have another problem with some other weapons i'm playing with before i only had the left hand weapon working in either 1st or 3rd person, now i have no swords in 3rd person and both swords in 1st, also while in 1st person the swords look transparent.







Please Help, Thank you.

Edited by joefantana
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