LukeTheSpook Posted July 14, 2008 Share Posted July 14, 2008 Maybe it's a conflict with a Mod I"m running, but in the end of the game (When you're going to the temple of the one with martinit crashes. Mods I have running: 00crystalcragfortress.esp100% harvest chance.esp24hourArena.esp2nd to 1st person.esp300_combat Sounds.espAbandoned Mania Camp.espAbecean_lighthous_1.1.espActorsInEmotions.espAdvanced_Water_Modification-2734.espagronakimproved.espalivewaters - kio addon.espalivewaters- slaughterfish addon.espalivewaters.espannoying fan.espAnvilBayexpansion.espApple Mod.espAqvatika.espAranMathi.espArena Training center.esparena_battlesv1.1.espatmosphericoblivion.espavarii_underwaterhome.espbadderfireFX.espBadderfrostfx.espbaddernuclearfireFx.espbaddershockfx.espbandits with gold.espbanditslavetrade.espbartholm.espBetter bell sounds.espBetter Wine SI.espBjornheim.espBMC Hunter curiass.espBNewShockBoltEffects20.espBNewShockFunnelEffects20.espBook Jackets Oblivion.espborder removal.espborderless.espbravilseadomes.espbravurasbarrel.espbrigher_tourches.espbulkynord.espbulkyorcs.espchampion's mansion.espcheydinal petshop.espCities Alive at night.espcliff_betterletters.espCliff_rankdepandantArenaSpectators.espClocksofCyrodiil.espCrowded roads 23.espCT-YABM.espcyrodiil transportation network 1.3 wz.espCyrodilic Brandy.espDA ReducedBackwardsRunningSpeed.espDA Run Fatigue.esmDA Sprint.espDaggerfallBooks.espDark Dungeons.espDays&months.espdeadlier traps.espDFDiveRockHome.espDivine Watch.espDLCFrostcrag.espDLCMehrunesRazor.espDLCorrery.espDLCShiveringIsles.espDLCSpellTomes.espDLCThievesDen.espDLCVileLair.espDremoraCompanion.esmDremoraCompanion.espDude WHeres my horse.espDungeon actors have torches 1.6 DT.espEbonyHelm.espemperorface.espEshmesBodiesv2.espEverlasting corpses v 1.0espexpanded hotkeys breif equip message.espexterior actors have torches 1.3 DT.espFman-customgame.espfusesnailracing.espgardening.espglasshelm.espGTAesgaar.espGypsy Wagon.espall the harvest [flora] and harvest [containers] modshaz_encumbrance_x1.5.esphidden_lair.esphorsesturnfaster.esphousemapmarkers.espillicit estate v1.0.espimmersivewait.espimmortal horses.espinventory tracker.esmiwr-lights.espiwr-shutters.espiwr-windows.espJQ-captain america shields.espklarre forestheart.espknights of tamriel.espknights.espKvatch rebuild.espkvatch rebuilt.esmlakewood village ver 2.0esplamayo's dragon bow.esplandmarks, w wells.esplem- celestial lagoon.esplem - the nether.esplem - the scar of sithis.esplet the people drink.espleviathan soulgems.espliving economy-items.espliving economy.esplost paladins of the divines.espmalevolent.espmarksman velocity.espmenu time.espmercenaries.espmidasspells.espmoremerchantmoneyv1.1espmoriarcis.espmontaintop estate.espmontain tower.espmovingpaointings.espmuffin display rooms.espmymuseum.espmythsandlegends.espnatural interiors.esm and about 50 more that i'm too lazy to type (is there a program that lists your active mods in text format so you can just copy and paste?) can somone list some mods that would conflict with this part of the storyline?i've completed the game before about 4 months ago without any problems, so it must be a more recently installed mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 14, 2008 Share Posted July 14, 2008 Try this How to get a load order list to post using OBMM A load order list is needed for troubleshooting - The list in the Oblivion data list is not always in the order that things are actually loaded. How to get your load order list into a post using OBMM If you don't have OBMM, it is a great tool for managing mods as well as moving them in the load order and finding certain kinds of conflicts. It has many other capabilities, but this post is just to show how to get the load order list into a post for troubleshooting. First, of course you have to have OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) it's available free from the author's site here: Look in the column on the left side, find the heading "Oblivion mod manager"To download, click on the download just below the heading. A new page will open with a list of different ways to install – pick the self installer.Save the file, the best place is a separate folder you make mine is on the desk top and is oblivion downloads\OBMM. The main folder is called Oblivion Downloads. Then a subfolder inside that is called OBMM) After it has downloaded, open that folder and find the file you just downloaded. It will be named Click on it to start the install. It should automatically find your Oblivion and install itself in the right place. It will also give you the option of creating a desktop icon, a Quick launch icon. I recommend only the desktop icon. Then the options for associating files – select all of these. When it finishes installing, OBMM will start automatically. It will start with a list of your mods on the left pane in their current load order. Active mods will be checked and inactive will have an empty check box. To copy the load order, look on the right, you will see a box with 'Import/Export'. Click that.Then select the first option, 'View Load Order' A new window will open with only your active mods listed in their load order. Use your mouse to highlight the entire list, then left click on the highlighted list. A box will open with Cut, copy paste. Select copy – DO NOT SELECT CUT! Now you can close the window and close OBMM (This might take a few minutes as OBMM takes a while to close.) Go to where you want to put the load order list – I recommend creating either a text document or a word processing document and naming it load order and the date(load order 6-22-08.txt) Then open that document, place your cursor at the beginning and right click. Select paste. This should copy your load order into the document. Now, to get the load order into a post, open the forum, find where you want to place the load order list and paste it. The copied text will be inserted where you place the mouse cursor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LukeTheSpook Posted July 14, 2008 Author Share Posted July 14, 2008 okay, thanks for that info. all the mods i'm running are DremoraCompanion.esmInventory Tracker.esmDA Run Fatigue.esmOblivion.esmSewerExpansion.esmNatural Interiors.esmKvatch Rebuilt.esmUnofficial Oblivion Patch.espBorder Removal.espND_LongerSummons_x3.espMarksman Velocity.esphaz_encumbrance_x1.5.espDeadlier Traps.espVisually Enchanted Fire 3.espVisually Enchanted Frost 3.espVisually Enchanted Shock 3.espDLCOrrery.espVisually Enchanted Drains 1.espVisually Enchanted SoulTrap 1.espemperorface.espsr_birthsigns_nomax.esptag_NaturalWildlife.espBadderShockFX.espBadderFrostFX.espBadderFireFX.espDaggerfallBooks.espBadderNuclearFireFX.espEverlasting Corpses v 1.0.espOrcishHelm.espEbonyHelm.espGlassHelm.espUnlimited Rings 1.0.espmoremerchantmoneyv1.1.espza_bankmod.espUnlimited Amulets 1.0.espLandmarks, w Wells.espDLCFrostcrag.espBulkyOrcs.espoc_darker_nights.espBulkyNord.espSkingradBridgeLights.espHorsesTurnFaster.espgardening.espMuffin Display Rooms.espArena_BattlesV1.1.espDLCThievesDen.espDays&Months.espRealisticForceMedium.espOblivion Cats v0.22b.espCities Alive At Night.espSewerExpansion-Bravil.espSewerExpansion-Cheydinhal.espCyrodilic Brandy.espagronakimproved.espHouseMapMarkers.espCheydinhal Petshop.espNPCs Eat More.espCrowded Roads 23.espLakewood Village Ver 2.0.espRealisticMagicForceMedium.espIWR-Windows.espIWR-Shutters.espIWR-Lights.espDLCVileLair.espDLCMehrunesRazor.espImmortal Horses.espQ - More and Moldy Ingredients v1.1.espImmersiveWait.espXero's Fame Indicator.espBetter Bell Sounds.espPlayerHomeNaheema.espMenu Time.espPersuasionOverhaul.espcyrodiil transportation network 1.3 wz.espKlarre Forestheart.espEshmesBodiesV2.espDLCSpellTomes.espExpanded Hotkeys Brief Equip Message.espBjornheim.espKnights.espmythsandlegends.espBook Jackets Oblivion.espSlof's Oblivion Pillow Book.espUnnaturalAura.espTamriel VWD v0.5.espCliff_BetterLetters.espSpecial Abilities.espSamVimes's Feint Death.espMercenaries.espDivine Watch.espMyMuseum.espLiving Economy - Items.espsgLighterQuivers.espLiving Economy.espVillages1.1.espDLCShiveringIsles.espRavenviewVillageVer2.0.espSlof's Oblivion Goth Shop.espRustyItems.espP1DcandlesForKleptos.espAtmospheric Oblivion.espDA ReducedBackwardsRunningSpeed.espDA Sprint.espChampion's Mansion.espCliff_RankDependantArenaSpectators.espOblivion Citadel Door Fix.espNords With Beards.espQuest For The Elements.espDark Dungeons.espCliff_RiskyInnBeds.espAqvatika.espHarvest[Containers] - Player Home Add-on.espsnowglobe.espHarvest[Containers] - Havok Crates Add-on.espAbecean_lighthouse_1.1.espAvaiRii_UnderwaterHome.espHarvest[Containers] - Flat-Top Barrels Add-on.esp00cyrstalcragfortress.espHarvest[Containers].espSeptim Mansion.espWeye.espStar Ship Orion.espScriptIcon_Replacer.espGypsy Wagon.espBravurasBarrel.espVisually Realistic Deadly Lava.espPond Cottage.espDremoraCompanion.espAbandoned Mania Camp.espJagnot-SI-Summitpoint House.espBNewShockBoltEffects20.espBNewShockFunnelEffects20.espLost Paladins of the Divines.espLeviathan Soulgems.espAnvilBayExpansion.espSDsManiaHome.espHarvest [Flora].espSIMushroomHouse.espJagnot-SI-Glimmertop Tower.espHarvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.espHarvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.espHarvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.espAranMathi.espFuseSnailRacing.espRenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.espxuldarkforest.espP1DKeyChainSI Merged.espAliveWaters - Koi Addon.espAliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.espAliveWaters.espCT-YABM.espDude Wheres My Horse.espStreamline 3.0.esp100% Harvest Chance.esp300_Combat Sounds.espBMC Hunter Cuirass.espRealSwords - Redguard HI.espClocksOfCyrodiil.esp_Real_Lights.espDungeon Actors Have Torches 1.6 DT.espExterior Actors Have Torches 1.3 DT.espNatural Interiors - Cities.espArena Training Center.esp24hourArena.espSlof's Playable Xivilai.espRenGuardOverhaul.espLetThePeopleDrink.espThe Oak and Crosier Inn Player House.esp2nd to 1st person.espSuliin V1.2.espTheMistRetreat1.3_Optimized.espGTAesgaard.espWestwatchTowerV1.0.espRealisticFatigue.espLem - Celestial Lagoon.espMountainTower.espLem - The Scar of Sithis.espLem - The Nether.espIllicit Estate V1.0.espRogue Sun's Blood Lust Dress.espSlof's Dogs.espBravilSeaDomes.espBetter Wine SI.espTOTF.espmovingpaintings.espSlof's Oblivion Better Beasts.espMidasSpells.espbartholm.espActorsInEmotions.espUpdate1-9881.espAdvanced_Water_Modification-2734.espBanditSlaveTrade.espunlimiter.espborderless.espremovepersuasuion.espMountaintop Estate.espSlof's Oblivion Robe Trader.espSlof's Giger Armour.espxulImperialIsle.espKnights of Tamriel.espKvatch Rebuilt.espSlof's Black Unicorn.espSlof's Sea Armour.espMoriarcis.espMalevolent.espLamayo's Dragon Bow.espDFDiveRockHome.espFMan-CustomGate.espApple Mod.espHidden_Lair.espJQ-CaptainAmericaShields.espAnnoying fan.espBandits with Gold.espNatural_Water_by_Max_Tael.espBrighter_Torches.espNatural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.espNatural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.espNatural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 14, 2008 Share Posted July 14, 2008 Nothing obvious causing the problem. You may have to try disabling groups of mods to find it. start with the ones you don't use much. Disable them in groups of 10 or so to narrow down the problem. Then when you find the group that causes the problem, start re enabling them until it happens again. After you are passed that part of the game, you will be free to do whatever you want in the game - the main quest is over and you can play with the mods. I recommended Verona House Bloodlines - a mod for the champion of Cyrodill. Glenvar Castle, the best castle available with 2 full quests guaranteed to drive you nuts. Ancient Towers - unbelievable (has a ghost cat) . and The Lost Spires, a new guild with a new type quest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LFact Posted July 15, 2008 Share Posted July 15, 2008 Huh? Put Oblivion.esm first. It should be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LukeTheSpook Posted July 15, 2008 Author Share Posted July 15, 2008 it seems i fixed the problem. It crashed 4 times in a row, but the 5th time it went perfectly fine. (It sucks how in the end when Dagon fights Martin in dragon form, you just sit there and watch. You don't actually get to do anything ;( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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