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Auriel's bow effect on the sun

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Hello, I'm fairly new at modding. I've messed around a bit with the SSECK and still have a lot to learn. For the Dawnguard DLC I was interested in creating a magic spell that would duplicate the effect Auriel's bow has when you fire its arrow into the sun, either the sunrays or the eclipse. But, I've got no idea what that effect is, or where it might be located, can anyone point me in the right direction?

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It's an ability given to the player when the bow is equipped (DLC1AbAurielsBow).


The corresponding script on the magic effect handles both, the sun blast and the eclipse blast effect (DLC1AurielsBowSunAttackSpell and DLC1AurielsBowEclipseSpell), depending on the projectile that is fired.


The name of the script is DLC1AurielsBowPlayerScript, attached to magic effect DLC1AurielsBowScriptEffect.

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Hey thank you! That script pretty much has all the info that I was looking for.


I was previously confused, because the actual eclipse effect could be copied, with the magic effect DLC1AurielsBowEclipseSelfEffect, but that only gave the cosmetic eclipse, and none of the actual effects (townspeople being freaked out, removed sun vulnerabilities). So this fills in some missing gaps. There's probably still more stuff I gotta learn in the process, of course.

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