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The left arm in this mashup keeps spiking near the wrist and I can't figure out why its happening. I have an alternate mesh that doesn't have that particular part so I know that its the culprit, but even after leading the regular mesh back in (DLC04\Armor\Disciples\DLC04_Armor_Disciples_Light02_ArmLeft_M.nif) and re-molding it to look the way I want it to, it still spikes. Is there any way to fix this?


The bone weights are opposite and identical to those of the right arm and shaping I do is limited to the shoulder part.

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I've never created 3D models for Fallout 4 because my 3DS version is too old, but when this happened on custom Skryim armors, it usually meant that at least one vertice had not been weighed properly. Only way to find out was usually to reimport the mesh in 3DS and check these vertices' weigh one by one - 'cause it won't show in 3DS unless you import an animation file to test it. Either that, or reskin your mesh entirely.

From what you describe and if the only shaping you did is limited to the shoulder part, it may be that one wrist vertice has been attached to a shoulder bone when it shouldn't be. Sorry that I can't be more specific to Fallout 4.

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