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Irregular Heartbeat- Help?


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SubjectProphet, you are pretty much the sickest guy I've ever met (not met but you know what I mean). Just from the first two pages of this forum your list of symptoms includes;

-trouble sleeping


-Painful muscle spasms

-Irregular heartbeat


-A terrible pain in your wrist




How did you ever get cleared for service! :laugh:


Anyway, hope all your ailments clear up soon =]

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On my mothers side of the family - My Grandfather has a severe case of Angina, aswell as suffered from several Heart Attacks over the last 5 Years or so.


I have also been in a situation where I've maybe skipped a heartbeat - followed by a really sharp pain going through my chest - I've never been in a situation where my heartrate has irregularly sped up.


My brother recently has been stopping breathing when he has slept - If you're suffering from this, I'd strongly suggest a doctors appointment; who will probably refer you to a Sleep Clinic, or Cardiac Hospital.

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You probably aren't the only one that has to look forward to a faster than normal decline of quality of life. I found out the other day my lung capacity is 40% of normal. I had pneumonia as a kid, which scarred my lungs, and also have asthma. And its degrading more and more over time. I'm probably going to be having to carry an oxygen tank around with me by the time I'm 40. And I'd be lucky to live to be 50 due to probably having a stroke due to lack of oxygen from declining lung capacity. I get winded incredibly easy, not just because I'm out of shape, but because my lungs can't supply my body with enough oxygen for a workout @ 40% capacity. Any kind of cardio workout is out of the question for me. I also suffer from pleurisy on average a couple times a year, which is enormously painful. Last time I had pleurisy was last august, and it took about a month to clear up. Edited by Beriallord
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You probably aren't the only one that has to look forward to a faster than normal decline of quality of life. I found out the other day my lung capacity is 40% of normal. I had pneumonia as a kid, which scarred my lungs, and also have asthma. And its degrading more and more over time. I'm probably going to be having to carry an oxygen tank around with me by the time I'm 40. And I'd be lucky to live to be 50 due to probably having a stroke due to lack of oxygen from declining lung capacity. I get winded incredibly easy, not just because I'm out of shape, but because my lungs can't supply my body with enough oxygen for a workout @ 40% capacity. Any kind of cardio workout is out of the question for me. I also suffer from pleurisy on average a couple times a year, which is enormously painful. Last time I had pleurisy was last august, and it took about a month to clear up.


Sympathy from the wheezy corner here (emphysema, my dad first now me). Not a lot in the world is scarier than not being able to breathe. I'm lucky in that I CAN still exercise, which is about all you seem to be able to do to slow the decline in these kind of conditions.

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