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Anime, J, K-Mods


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I know I'm going to get chewed out by the xenophobic ones but I wanted to ask if you guys knew of any anime mods, Japanese ones, or Koreans made mods I can check out. I'm doing this because North Americans and Europeans that think like Americans are bias towards these, while the ones that are into Anime only like the shitty add-ons (i.e Naruto & Dragonball Z). Need to give them their well deserved love, or try. If you know of any existing Anime mod feel free to let me know? We'll do a trade :)


I currently have these and want to expand it:

Anime Mods


I don't mind if you guys/gals want to share normal mods as well. The more the merrier for both of us actually. Feel free to share something that isn't Anime as well? Just as long as it isn't those silly ponies :P.

Edited by Eurosubstance
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"xenophobic" - I don't dislike anime mods because I'm "xenophobic" I dislike them because I bought skyrim to play skyrim, not add in Soul Reapers and school girl outfits. It was a personal choice of mine.

"that think like Americans are bias towards these" - ... and you aren't biased? "Think like Americans"? Do go on, because I'm sure you can read my mind miles away and tell me what I think.


Then you go on to bash other anime titles saying that is what Americans who like anime watch. :hurr: Still your opinion, just don't stereo type what I like. Because I could just as easily stereo type what you like and say that all you want is tentacle monsters. :dry:


Next time, be less ignorant :no:, and I'll be more tolerant :yes:. It's a fair deal really.

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Nice Korodic, just nice. Do have fun playing Skyrim then, the way you like. I'm only trying to assist those that may have the same interests.....somewhere, yet those people keep getting shunned. There isn't any "MUST DOWNLOAD MOD!" button for any of the "Anime" mods so should be a win-win situation for everybody because they get what they want and you get what you want.


As for my American comment, I only noticed American gamers raging about anything different from their norm. If it differs they poke at it. I only say what I see, and I guess I shouldn't of said that about the "American mentality" bit hmm...I keep seeing North Americans and Europeans pretending to be Americans raging about anything foreign or different...or at least for Anime on North American forums.


All I see is Naruto, DBZ, and Final Fantasy being requested so I wanted to share something other than those. Don't really have anything against them, just that if people like anime they should dig deep into the Anime/manga universe instead of the typical. I don't know...Le Chevalier D'eon? Bad example. Berserk was added in armor form....


Opinions, opinions, ya...For fun do tell me what I like :). Tentacle monsters? Maybe if I wanted to torture people.

Edited by Eurosubstance
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Well the thread isn't "dead"


If you really wanted to help, maybe make a youtube series that covers anime mods specifically. As far as I know, I have not seen that yet.

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Well, I'm neither American, fan of Final Fantasy, Dragonball or Naruto, but here's what I know. There's a mod for oblivion that simulates tentacle rape (without the tentacles If I remember correctly) and that mod shouldn't be so hard to convert to Skyrim if the engines still are pretty similar.


I'd say it's as "simple" as finding whatever Garrys Mod and Oblivion mods you like and then get the permission to convert them or have them converted.

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I like anime and sexy full bodied women but like Korodic said i too got skyrim for the celtic and nord mythology and high heels and bikinis dont really fit plus the amount of it is starting making the nexus look very silly

when you can have some mods that add over 20 armour new spells potions, weapons, quests, monsters races, and a host of other stuff with minor endorsments, & on the other side you get a simple pair of new girly pants

that gets 1000's in a day,


i dont want it to stop but the nexus really needs a new category for that stuff

ps im not american ;)

Edited by AlphaWoIF
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