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Nexus Mod Manger plugins


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I'm new at using mods. I first watched the instruction video on how to install and use NMM and then did the install as instructed (using default paths) for fallout 3 play. I have troubleshooted using different mods, activating only one at a time but with the same result. Any mod I try will activate but does not appear in the plugins tab as shown in the instruction video. I see no mod change in game. No mod showing in launch data tab. I have launhed the game from manager and desktop icon. When I open the fallout 3 data file I can actually see the mod files appear and disappear as I activate/deactive the mod. I have bInvalidateOlderFiles=1. All help comments are greatly appreciated. Using windows 7 (UAC disabled): Fallout 3 GOTY, expansion DLC's activated. (showing in manager plugins).
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Which mods are you trying to install?


You could also try installing your mods manually and see if that works. You could also give FoMM a try instead of the NMM.




Thank you much BlackRampage.

I tried random mods just trying to get one to work so that I would at least Know that NMM was working for me, to no avail. I see the FOMM , I will give that a try.

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Mods working now. I tried one more thing. Uninstalled NMM from default path and then created a new folder in games folder named NMM and installed it there. Still not showing in plugins tab but mods are working and I am using the NMM launch fallout 3.
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