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Please, I'm begging, can someone help me with getting a custom armor to work in game - Blender

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Hi everyone, I really am begging for help here, I'm at my wits end with this.


Im relatively new to making mods, only ever making one for Skyrim and I used old 2.49b.


Im currently making an outfit for Fallout 4 using this guide http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout_4._Part_1


I have 3DS Max 2016. I have Nifskope, I have Blender 2.79 with Nif scripts.


I did as it said, took a body through 3DS Max so it would work in Blender, Modeled my armor in Blender around said body. I have weighted it in blender, copying the body weights. Now from here nothing works, Blender WILL NOT export the NIF, it always errors. I have spent all day on this (8 hours+) trying to make this work, but not matter what try or what I google I cant seem to find an answer, its like this is some hidden secret in the F4 modding community.


I have two problems, I either cant export from Blender 2.79 OR I can export via other methods, but when I get to the creation kit and I try to add the mesh to the armor addon it crashes the CK.


I have tried the following


1: Export NIF from Blender 2.79 - Error and wont export the NIF - Error is - AttributeError: 'NifExport' Object has no attribute 'get_object matrix' - I've looked and looked and I dont believe there is a solution for this, especially since NIFtools for Blender does not seem to of been worked on since 2016. I found one thread saying they got it working but never explained how.


2: Saving as a legacy file, going back to 2.49B exporting the nif from there as a F3 mesh, then importing into 3DS max and then exporting as a F4 NIF and then taking it through Nifskope as the guide I am following advises - When I try to put the Mesh as an Armor addon it crashes the CK.


3: Export from Blender 2.79 as an OBJ, then import to outfit studio then export as a NIF (If I do this Outfit studio tells me the WHOLE outfit isnt weighted when it really is) Take through Nifskope as guide advises - Crashes CK as per number 2.


3A: Same as 3 but instead of Outfit studio straight to nifskope, load the nif into 3DS max then export as a F4 NIF and take through Nifskope as advises guide advises - Crashes CK as per 2 and 3.


Im stumped. I'm angry and annoyed with myself that I cant figure this out I've seen loads of people say the best way is to make in blender and export as an OBJ and take it through outfit studio but I cant find anyone who says what settings you should be exporting as and what steps you should really follow especially with nifskope (which is a minefield in and of itself) I'd love for it to be as simple as the people saying do it that way are making it out to be and I'm sure it is as simple as that but I just cant figure it out.


I know my mod isnt going to be cream of the crop I'm far from the best moddeler or texture maker out there, it will hardly be used by anyone just like my last mod but I have made this and dont want to waste it even if one person out there enjoys it thats good enough for me. I just really need some help.


Thank you for anyone who takes the time to read this.


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I use method 3 to pretty consistent success (although I export from 2.49b, but that shouldn't matter, it's just an .obj), but I haven't tried an outfit yet. The only thing I can say for settings is to make sure you have 'Apply Modifiers' checked when you export as .obj from Blender. Otherwise I just use the default settings.


Far as I know Blender does not currently support the FO4 skeleton, so I assume what you are working with is just the body mesh, or at least the skeleton isn't recognized properly on export, which means your weight paints aren't exporting with any bone data. This may have changed since last I looked into it, but I don't think so. Try doing your weights in Outfit Studio rather than Blender. I've heard the best option is to import a working outfit similar to your own into Outfit Studio and copy the weights over, then export.


It could also be that your texture files aren't a square resolution. It can happen by accident, even if you know better, so double check. A missing material file could also be the culprit, but I doubt it.


.....hmmmmm, what else. I don't know how accurate the .nif export from Outfit Studio is for outfits, but for weapons I usually have to copy the various parts into a similar .nif file and replace the old ones before everything works right.


Man, now I kinda want to try an outfit, just so I know how.

Edited by jkruse05
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Like what others have mentioned, use the Blender-Outfit Studio workflow. As far as I know, no one is writing a working nif plugin for Blender. So export as obj/fbx and import into outfit studio. Do your weight painting in Outfit Studio. Load a base body and copy the weights from that onto your armor then delete the base body. It may not be perfect but at least you have something and then work on those areas that are not correct by adding more weight paint etc ...

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Also, does anyone in here know where the Collision Layer form is set on a mesh? I tested a concept to add bullet penetration into the game, but the collision layer is split into statics, anim-statics, trees, etc, not enough specific deliniation to really make the mod realistic and good gameplay, although it works. If you remove the tree static and anim_static collision layers from the projectile collision layer it works, but it doesn't produce a bullet hole on the object it penetrates, but it does penetrate.


The problem is I think the collision layer is assigned to an object in the .nif file, but I have tried to locate it and have had no success. Anyone got any insight?

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