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Same error every time I deploy


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Please help!


I'm trying to play Witcher 3, but I can't even launch the game with Vortex. When I try to launch it without Vortex, it works just fine.


I've got my mods installed, but when I try to deploy them with the game, I keep getting the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error.


I've uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, and updated all of those files, updated my graphics, tried a code in cmd and it still doesn't work.


What am I missing???

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Could you try to get a screenshot?


It's fairly unlikely the error comes from Vortex directly, it's more likely that the way vortex starts the game some libraries the game needs can't be found.

Are you using some mods that replaced dlls of the game? Stuff like enb, reshade or maybe a cheatengine that installs a dll into the game directory, something like that?

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Unfortunately, the error is literally blinking in and out too fast for me to get a reliable screenshot, if I can catch it at all. I had to try starting the game at least 20 times to even read what the error box said.


I attached the mods I have enabled, though I tried starting the game without any enabled and it still got the same error, so at this point I'm really not sure what the problem is.


I'm sorry I can't be more precise. I really want help but I also know I don't have much that's really helpful.



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