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Wondering if a Telekinesis Mod exists.


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Specifically one that could allow Telekinesis to


A.) Catch Arrows.




B.) Cause objects thrown by Telekinesis to damage targets.


Ever since I first laid eyes on Skyrim's fun Telekinesis animations, I've wondered why throwing a watermelon/sword/suit of armor at somewhere near the speed of sound doesn't do a lick of damage.

Edited by Rynjin
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Improved Telekinesis


Claims to do some of what you're looking for. Supposed to make items do more damage when "thrown." I think there are a couple mods in the magic section that tweak telekinesis in addition to making other changes to the magic system but I don't know the names off the top of my head. Just browse around a few minutes and you should be able to find them.


I haven't tried the mod above, just typed "telekinesis" into the mod search. It's not all that hard or time consuming to just do a quick search or browse the mods by category.


As for levitation, I think some mods are trying to implement it all ready, not sure if they've succeeded though.

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Well, I already had that one, but my search pulled up nothing else that significantly tweaks the spell beyond that. I was looking for something a bit more sophisticated, since the Improved Telekinesis does a fixed damage independent of the weight of the item. A plate does as much damage as a Scimitar does as much damage as a book, for example. I was hoping there was something that could scale damage based on the weight of an item, and expand the area of effect and items that Telekinesis affects.


As for levitation, the closest I've seen are a few spells that launch an enemy straight up in the air. One of them dealing no damage but maintaining their momentum and worked on a single target, and the other just made an area of effect like a Master spell and flung nearby enemies up high enough to take falling damage.


I don't know if a sustained ability has been made yet, but the existence of these means it's likely very possible.

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Yeah I didn't know how complex that one mod was. I know I've seen telekinesis tweaks in other magic mods, but I just can't remember which ones, if I come across one while browsing I'll post it.


Thanks, I appreciate it. :)

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Well, I did find one mod (PJ's Spell Compendium) that adds a Telekinesis spell that works on people, but it's very choppy and doesn't launch them (it works more like Oblivion's Telekinesis, if you swing around real fast they fly off).


The search continues!

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