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Vortex will not reconize game


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Hey guys I have a problem where when I go to identify my game, which happens to be Skyrim vr. The file is an application, which cannot be recognized as an Exe file. Meaning that I cannot use any mods.




(Edit: I now know that I have misspelled recognize).

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Is there a file called SkyrimVR.exe? Did you in anyway manipulate that, like creating a link or something like that?


The file is called SkyrimVR with no extension as I am running Windows 10.

No it is called an application by default, when I go to the properties of the file it says application(.exe)

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Is there a file called SkyrimVR.exe? Did you in anyway manipulate that, like creating a link or something like that?


The file is called SkyrimVR with no extension as I am running Windows 10.

No it is called an application by default, when I go to the properties of the file it says application(.exe)



In Windows 10, click on the File Manager. Click the View tab at the top. The far right section is Show/Hide. Click File Name Extensions. I also click Hidden Items.

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Is there a file called SkyrimVR.exe? Did you in anyway manipulate that, like creating a link or something like that?


The file is called SkyrimVR with no extension as I am running Windows 10.

No it is called an application by default, when I go to the properties of the file it says application(.exe)



In Windows 10, click on the File Manager. Click the View tab at the top. The far right section is Show/Hide. Click File Name Extensions. I also click Hidden Items.



That fixed it. Thank you so much!

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