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my next rig for a massive skyrim SE modding


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Hello guys and girls


lets pretent money doesnt matter and I would like to mod skyrim SE with 250 and more massive 4k texture mods. What rig would I need to have minimimum 60 fps outside.


Would it be neccessary to have more than 8 gb vram. Does anyone ever go above 8 gb vram.


At fall I want to build a new pc and start a new skyrim se modding and dont want to think about hardware ressources.


Is that even possible or would I still have limitations with maby a 5ghz CPU and a watercooled gtx 1080 ti with 2000 mhz oc boost?


At wich point would skyrim se with massive 4k textures stop hungering for more power?

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You don't need a 5Ghz CPU. SE is better at the CPU intensive stuff anyhow (NPCs, scripting), and you can be fine with much less than that. And you certainly don't need to overclock a 1080Ti. Skyrim and Fallout are meant to run at 60fps. Trying to push it further creates all kind of problems with the physics. A 1080Ti and Vega 64 are already great at reaching 60fps out of the box. However, if you're 4k gaming, the Vega is just on the edge of this and won't always hit 60fps, depending on the game.. It's what I have. 1080Ti is the more solid 4k gpu.

Edited by kthompsen
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OK, to be more realistic.Â


I play on an 2560x1080 p widescreen G-Sync monitor and yes I know I have to limit skyrim to 60 fps per graphic-Settings. Atm I run a EVGA GeForce GTX 970 Superclocked ACX 2.0 Aktiv with 4 gb (3,5 GB) vram and I stutter around 25 FPS in heavy areas outside. Maybe my old I7 960 and my ram on my rampage II gene are bottlenecking.


I just wonder what hardware I need to have the best possible performance without paying for power skyrim doesnt use.




How much of your 8GB vram does your modded skyrim use at maximum areas? Would I benefit from 11 GB Vram?Â



How much MHZ does the GPU have to run for 2560x1080p with massive textures.


How much GHZ does the CPU need? 4,5 Ghz


How much does the ram-speed infect the game? Â

Edited by Prospero1980
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So no wasted power? If you already have G-Sync, then 1080 all the way. You don't even need a Ti. If you plan on just sticking with 2560 res, even the 1070Ti will serve you well at that res. It'll probably drop to 50fps at some points, but don't hold me to that. You may want to investigate reviews further.


Only prob is their new GPUs will probably be around the corner.


edit: Ghz doesn't matter, depending on CPU. I have a Kaby Lake that handles any game I throw at it, even non-OC'ed or even non-Turbo (default Ghz is 4.2.. turbo is 4.5).

Edited by kthompsen
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In my opinion it is not just the 4K textures you need to think about. What other mods will you install? The reason I ask is installing, say, loads of new NPCs will increase the number of 4K textures on screen. Installing ultra trees through DynDOLOD will also be a resource drain (but worth it IMO), installing JKs Skyrim will be another hit.

My point is it is not just about installing 4K textures

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Yes indeed, all the above mentioned mods I usually use. I can OC my I7 960 stable to 4 or on colder days 4,2 ghz and my ddr3 ram only performs on about 1700 mhz , would that limitate a gtx 1080 ti with 11 gb or is that a GPU that lately can handle all these heavy mods with 60 fps.


My problem is, once I have started modding I cant stop using all that nice mods and I dont like to compromise ^^ Since years I'am playing and modding Skyrim. There has to be that day, when everything runs smoothly with all that mods ^^

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I have recently tried to see how far I could push my system with graphics. I have installed textures (4K where there is an option I like or 2k minimum). Large, lush enhanced vanilla trees, veydosebrom, jk Skyrim.

Apart from that (and bug fixes/patches) it is vanilla so no additional NPCs, quests etc. I have not yet run DynDOLOD.

The very lowest FPS I have seen is 40 in the heavy jk areas like Riverwood amd falkreath (the open towns are always worse for me).

My rig:

16gb RAM

1070 8gb

4670k at 4.2ghz


Tip: do not install a 4K texture because it is 4K. I installed some that I did not like and preferred another Modders 2k texture for the same object. It is more important that you like the texture to start with!

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Unfortunately not an expert but I dont think VRAM usage affects your FPS unless you are at max. At which point you get stutter or CTD.

I only get the lower FPS in certain JK towns. It could be that the engine has to load a lot of detail quickly or that the mod could be better optimised in those locations.

Not having a go at the mod. If I thought it was bad I wouldnt use it and the author knows much more about modding than me!

Also worth noting that I dont drop frames entering JK towns on a otherwise unmodded game. Its a cumulative effect based on all the mods I use

Edited by QuagaarWarrior
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