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Online Fallout: 76


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- While I agree with the single player preference others are expressing, we are a small minority. The game needs to be profitable first and foremost, and that means catering to console users who enjoy multi-player.


That's not optimism.

I think bethesda would gladly abandon the PC and focus on the consoles alone. That would be the most profitable thing to do, if they didn't need PC users to make mods.


Now if they replace mods with "microtransactions" (the CC is almost there), they will be able to save costs on the PC port AND be even more profitable.

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- While I agree with the single player preference others are expressing, we are a small minority. The game needs to be profitable first and foremost, and that means catering to console users who enjoy multi-player.

That's not optimism.

I think bethesda would gladly abandon the PC and focus on the consoles alone. That would be the most profitable thing to do, if they didn't need PC users to make mods.


Now if they replace mods with "microtransactions" (the CC is almost there), they will be able to save costs on the PC port AND be even more profitable.




Well, we are already at microtransaction level, i would say. Seriously, i have no problem with CC, IF they do it right.



Far Harbor - $25 totally fine

Nuka World - $20 totally fine


After that -> $5 for one weapon.


I mean.... what the f***, Bethesda. People had hope, that we see some DLC sized content addons. What we got? Horse Power Armor! But this is still not enough, Bethesda pulled the money card and bought all your favorite mod authors. Okay not all of them, but you can see where are we heading. The people that normally stand their ground vs horse armor etc now get payed to make horse armor. Sooner or later, free modding WILL end, because otherwise you still have a choice and free modding is bigger than Bethesda wants it to be. Who will stand for free modding, when the most influenceful mod authors work for Bethesda? NO, ONE.


The guy who said, free modding will end soon, is high likely right. They implemented their platform into the game, stupid people are buying the stuff. Once enough people are buying the stuff, they will shut down the creation kit for everyone else.


I can only hope, that in the end, all mod authors that work for bethesda turn their backs to Bethesda and rescue free modding.


I'm sorry, but i'm really angry with this topic.




The other thing is, what will happen with nexus? We still have the old games but new games? Will this be end the of the nexus too?

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I read on the last pages "they bought them" multiple times. I mean, I don't know the contracts Bethesda is giving out to modders, but it's hard for me to imagine, that they do that. I think all what they do is "buying" a mod from them (including the rights for that mod).*


I have by myself buy 2 mods on cc and why not? I still like them and I still use them.


Free mods and paid mods have lived next door for years, maybe even decades. Not only for bethesda games, but also for many other games out there. The only good reason I know, to put a lock for free mods is, to make it harder for cheaters.


But cheater are only a problem for multiplayer games. Not for singleplayer games and there is the question, which part will dominate the next Fallout? Singleplayer, or Multiplayer? If it is still the singleplayer, I don't think we have to worry.


*Edit: Everything other would mean, that they have to give them a full-time employment contract and that... That not gonna happen, I think.

Edited by taryl80
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I read on the last pages "they bought them" multiple times. I mean, I don't know the contracts Bethesda is giving out to modders, but it's hard for me to imagine, that they do that. I think all what they do is "buying" a mod from them (including the rights for that mod).*


I have by myself buy 2 mods on cc and why not? I still like them and I still use them.


Free mods and paid mods have lived next door for years, maybe even decades. Not only for bethesda games, but also for many other games out there. The only good reason I know, to put a lock for free mods is, to make it harder for cheaters.


But cheater are only a problem for multiplayer games. Not for singleplayer games and there is the question, which part will dominate the next Fallout? Singleplayer, or Multiplayer? If it is still the singleplayer, I don't think we have to worry.


*Edit: Everything other would mean, that they have to give them a full-time employment contract and that... That not gonna happen, I think.


Well I consider these Mod authors who chased Bleh-tesda bucks as collaborators in the demise of modding. Personally I would never support these people and have revoked my endorsements of their mods for this reason. Why should they earn DP points from this community if they are selling us out? Its like paying someone to kick you in the nuts.


No thanks

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- While I agree with the single player preference others are expressing, we are a small minority. The game needs to be profitable first and foremost, and that means catering to console users who enjoy multi-player.

That's not optimism.

I think bethesda would gladly abandon the PC and focus on the consoles alone. That would be the most profitable thing to do, if they didn't need PC users to make mods.


Now if they replace mods with "microtransactions" (the CC is almost there), they will be able to save costs on the PC port AND be even more profitable.




Well, we are already at microtransaction level, i would say. Seriously, i have no problem with CC, IF they do it right.



Far Harbor - $25 totally fine

Nuka World - $20 totally fine


After that -> $5 for one weapon.


I mean.... what the f***, Bethesda. People had hope, that we see some DLC sized content addons. What we got? Horse Power Armor! But this is still not enough, Bethesda pulled the money card and bought all your favorite mod authors. Okay not all of them, but you can see where are we heading. The people that normally stand their ground vs horse armor etc now get payed to make horse armor. Sooner or later, free modding WILL end, because otherwise you still have a choice and free modding is bigger than Bethesda wants it to be. Who will stand for free modding, when the most influenceful mod authors work for Bethesda? NO, ONE.


The guy who said, free modding will end soon, is high likely right. They implemented their platform into the game, stupid people are buying the stuff. Once enough people are buying the stuff, they will shut down the creation kit for everyone else.


I can only hope, that in the end, all mod authors that work for bethesda turn their backs to Bethesda and rescue free modding.


I'm sorry, but i'm really angry with this topic.




The other thing is, what will happen with nexus? We still have the old games but new games? Will this be end the of the nexus too?



Yes. This is also clear to me Bethesda is taking the Rockstar shafting the single player GTA franchise for the billion dollar bottom bit#ch whor.e that GTAO has transformed them into.


But there is one angle and lesson learned that you haven't considered.


You see, like Rockstar, the Exceptional Assh@les also took a punitive, Machiavellian route towards supressing mods and controlling all the customized mod content for The Sims 3. By the 2nd year TS3 was out, the complete technical incompetence of the TS3 dev team, combined with the corporate HQ greed to squeeze TS3 for all the microtransactions possible, became their complete undoing. Even among the most loyalist of the fan base.


After enduring the insanely $$$$ TS3 store DLC prices, and hundreds of thousands of game breaking lines of code in subsequent expansion and stuff packs, the fan base finally rebelled. TS3 fansites with free custom DLC sprung up around the web everywhere. Some of these sites were paysites as well and were extremely profitable because the custom DLC was superior to the TS3 site. Because the DLC ACTUALLY WORKED AS ADVERTISED. And there were a specific minority of sites that went full Blackbeard going big Daddy Mad on the Queen Anne's Revenge. Saying the Exceptional Assh@oles was viewed as the Anti-Christ incarnate on these sites is an understatement. People would simply legally buy the TS3 store DLC, strip the DLC of it's security DRM, and then turn around an re-upload it to dark sites around the web.


And since custom WORKING/NON BUGGY DLC was available EVERYWHERE FOR FREE on the web, the Sims Studios--and by default the Exceptional Assh@les,--were the only losers in this cybernetic dance. The TS3 dev team couldn't compete with the superior released DLC from web sites everywhere. And HQ Exceptional Assh@les couldn't enforce their exclusionary DLC policies since PC gamers were too savvy at the workarounds to unlock the content for free.


So the Sims Studio's TS3 store suffered and lost well over $100k+ --and if not millions-- in sales as a direct result of it's parent company Exceptional Assh@les HQ level corporate greed.


And now Bethesda has clearly smelled the lucrative profits the way Rockstar did. And now appears to be heading at warp 9 down that particularly dark road to MMO Oblivion. Which leads to the bottomless abyss, the reviled domain of decadent industry leviathans the likes of the Exceptional Assh@les which lurk in the muck.....


Bethesda should take note of this if it doesn't want to end up like the way the Exceptional Assh@les did . Left stuck, and vulnerable, hiding out in the TS3 store ---while the angry modding community was armed to the teeth and had already declared WW3 ......

Edited by AlarictheVisgoth
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If Fallout 76 has full mod support, I will buy it. If not, I will not. Easy as that. Fallout 4 will be going on for a long time anyway (with the big mods in mind that will one day come out). Like it is for Skyrim. For me, the best mods for Skyrim are still on the horizon and that game is much older as Fallout 4.


Some users need to learn, that the only way you can show your anger towards a company, is stop buying their products. This is especially true for that Rockstar thing. I have not buy gta5 beacause of the way they have treated their modding community in gta4 and I will for sure not by any game in the future from Rockstar, since they have done it a secound time in gta5. All the angry comments and vids about gta5 didn't mean anything as long, as people still buying their games.


Btw. revoking endorsments also is a toxig behavior. An endorsment is nothing more as a like button for a particular mod. To use it also as a method to grade an mod author because of his behavior is not the nice way imo.

Edited by taryl80
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- While I agree with the single player preference others are expressing, we are a small minority. The game needs to be profitable first and foremost, and that means catering to console users who enjoy multi-player.

That's not optimism.

I think bethesda would gladly abandon the PC and focus on the consoles alone. That would be the most profitable thing to do, if they didn't need PC users to make mods.


Now if they replace mods with "microtransactions" (the CC is almost there), they will be able to save costs on the PC port AND be even more profitable.



This is exactly my darkest fear. Like Rockstar, Bethesda has seen the Holy Grail.


Charge gamers a $60 license key tutorial with limited features/content in a diluted SP.


Then release the online component a month or so later. Sit back and reap billions in revenue from fan bois stupidly blowing real life dollars buying superficial DLC from CC (and perhaps later ESO type Loot Boxes from the store). Or more likely, enjoying the fact most fan bois will be diligently grinding away at team exploration, scavenging, building and fighting other Vault 76 survivors for limited server resources on their servers......


RIP single player Fallout genre and free mods.

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Could this be the future of Fallout? https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/21000_crowns


Exciting Horse Armor in your choice of:


  • Regal Red
  • Taxicab Yellow
  • Bucolic Blue
  • Dollar Green
  • Camouflage

Convert these nifty armors into the CBBE body form with a patch you can purchase separately. Be the first in your co-op group to possess these marvels!

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If this is true then we need to treasure the 2015 Fallout 4 for a long period of time. It might be time to consider a United Modders Studio made up of experienced quest and advanced companion authors known for their ability to crank out large masterful mods. Then we need to buy the mods they produce.


Otherwise, we will be at the mercy of whatever seems to produce the highest revenue for gaming studios at the time. I suspect that means the days of Fallout and the Elder Scrolls as we know them is gone. We need to stretch out the Golden Age with more quest mods.





If anyone would be interested in doing something like that then if you need writers for quest lines and general dialogue message me. Serious offers though only, I'm not looking to get paid either. I'm just trying to bring that true post apocalyptic feel and dark tone back into Fallout and I feel really confident that I'd do an amazing job on dialogue and quest lines. If anyone is interested message me.

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